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It wasn't strange for the dinner table to be silent in Sehun's house. The sounds of cutlery hitting the fine china plates creating more than enough noise as Sehun blankly looked at his plate of food.

This is stupid.
Why do we even still do this.

"How is school Sehun?"

His dad's stern voice grabbed Sehun's attension as he shifted uncomfortably before answering


Sehun's mother wore a tight lipped smile as she warily looked from her husband to her son. Cutting her stake in equal amounts with slow movements.

"Honey did I tell you-"
" Who is Kyungsoo?"

His dad's question cut through her sentence and the room was subject to a tense silence.

Taking a deep sigh, Sehun grabbed his glass of water and focused his eyes in his plate as he took a sip before gathering his strength.

"Dad you can't go through my phone as you please it's not-"

" I am your father Sehun, I can go through anything you own while you live under my roof. Who is Kyungsoo?"

"He's a friend"

"...A friend?"


This wasn't the first time this happened. The mini intergration on the boys Sehun interacted with and the intense stare given by his dad had been going on since he was eleven. His eyes piercing Sehun as if he somehow saw something in him that took Sehun a long time to see for himself.

He couldn't know. He just couldn't.

After a few minutes of no-one mentsioning the issue again, the subject was dropped and everyone resumed eating.

Sehun ignored the concerned stare from his mum every five seconds and the uneasy feeling in his stomach.

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