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Sehun stop ignoring me

6 missed calls from Chanyeol
4 missed calls from Kyungsoo


How can I face him after...

Since the party, Sehun tried his best to keep his distance from Chanyeol, Jongin and Kyungsoo. It was especially hard the following week in school but the shame and embarrassment that still resonates with Sehun make it easier to push the sense of loneliness away as he rushed out of the school as the bell rang.

What if they ask about...

Sehun barely registered the footsteps running towards him before he was shoved hard from behind him. His bag knocking of his shoulder and falling to the ground. Gritting his teeth and rolling his eyes, Sehun turned around in irritation. The complaint fresh in his tongue cold as he regarded the person before him

"Jongin wha-"

"Shut up" Jongin snapped cutting Sehun of harshly, his face conveying anger in every way as he looked towards Sehun. "What the fuck is going on with you?"

"Jongin what are yo-"

"Shut up!". Jongin snapped again

"Why are you asking me questions if you're telling me to shut up"

" Why aren't you speaking to Kyungsoo. Or Chanyeol. Or me"

Rendered speachless, Sehun picked up his back and contemplated the question. After a few more seconds of silence. Jongin carried on.

"Listen I know we aren't the best of friends or whatever so maybe this isn't in my place to say. But the way you've been lately is just... Whats going on. At the party toy just kept drinking and Chanyeol won't say a word about whatever happened between you two and I don't even know what to say about Luhan"

"I don't even know wh-"

"Sehun" Jongins firm voice cut through again stepping slightly closer to the other boy. His face softening up a tad revealing some trace of concern.

"Kyungsoo's worried. Chanyeol's worried and... I've never seen you act like this Sehun. Look I know you've always-" at that Jongin stepped back, clearing his throat as he looked to the ground.

"I know about- but that doesn't mean you just...push people away like this. That's not how this works. When I was-"

"You know" the sound of Sehun's voice surprised Jongin and he glanced up at his friend.

"What do you know?" Sehun's hands was white as he gripped the strap of his bag. His eyes never leaving Jongin's face.

"What do you know?"

For a second Sehun swore he saw a look of vulnerablity on Jongjn's face. His mouth opening a tad as if he was going to say something but closing again as he shook his head. A firm determination overtaking his features.

"I know you know what I'm talking about and I never wanted to talk about anything like this with you." he began "But regardless what you think, I love him more than you think and I've almost lost him over my stupidity. And now we're together and I'm the happiest I've ever been. And so is he"

Jongin took a shaky breath as he ran a hand through his hair as he continued.
"I know you dont wanna hear this and I know what this feels like, but he loves you as a friend yet you keep creating such a distance... He's still there for you. Not in the way you want him to be but he's still there Sehun."

There was a deafening silence as Jongin finished. Both Sehun and Jongin looked on at each other in shock at Jongin's words.

I don't wanna let him be with you
I want him with me
I want him to want to be with me...

"I know" Sehun began, his voice weak at the lump in his throat. "I know he's there for me. But he loves you and right now the thought of that makes me sick"

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