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As the stranger pulled back, Sehun gritted his teeth as he attempted to grasp this situation. As well as try to push down the loss of warmth.

Pretty... Long Eyelashes... Bubblegum...
Pretty pretty pretty

Sehuns eyes flickered down and caught the small smirk.


The lips started moving but it was all white noise as Sehun turned to look at Kyungsoo. Not longer sat on Jongin's lap, he sat next to his boyfriend as he listened to what ever Jongin was saying. The drunk man watched as Kyungsoo looked at Jongin somewhat irritated at whatever he was saying before casting a look of concern towards Sehun. Kyungsoo was slightly taken aback at seeing Sehun's eyes already fixated on him.


Sehun watched Kyungsoo's mouth move, Sounding out 'Are you alright?'

Are you alright...

Sehun's chest felt hit again and he darted his eyes away from Kyungsoo, looking back at the stranger. The pretty boy wore a slight frown on his face as he looked at Sehun, his eyes growing smaller as he glanced at Kyungsoo's direction a few seconds later.

Oh God... Even he knows

I'm... How I-

Sehun stood up quickly, finally unable to deal with this overwhelming emotion. Turning around he just about managed to say 'I need to go' but it was probably lost as he walked out the room and out the house. His heart heavier than it even been.

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