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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Work had me tied up and I have been seriously obsessing over 'Yuri! on Ice' >< like if you haven't see it... Go see it. Like now. Seriously I love this show more than Yuri and Victor love each other 😍😍 gaa! Maybe I should write a fic on them loool

"I've been.... Thinking a lot"

Kyungsoo's eyes was hard on Sehun's face but the boy found it difficult to interpret what the younger boy is thinking. After sitting a few seconds longer in silence due to Kyungsoo's lack of responce, Sehun decided to carry on.

"I've got I've been needing to get of my chest"

"Such as?"

"Dammit Kyungsoo why are you being like this"

You know already so why put me through this?!

Sehun's frustrations must of been clear as Kyungsoo signed and leaned back in his chair. His previously unreadable face now displaying a faint sternness which Sehun can't recall seeing before.

"Sehun" he began, his soft voice sounding unusually deeper and sharper, "I don't want you to say anything you are not comfortable with."

The younger man paused as he reached over to place a gentle hand over Sehun's shoulder. Sehun didn't have the heart to shrug it off, instead basking in the warmth.

"You was there for me when I was going through some shit and I want to be there for you too. But all that seems to be happening is a rift between us and its scaring me because you're one of my best friends"

Concern now covered Kyungsoo's face, now appearing more like the him Sehun is used to. Yet the bile taste and heavy heart began to start up in Sehun again and he placed his hand over Kyungsoo's which was still gripping his shoulder. His thumb softly rubbing the skin of Kyungsoo's palms.

"I don't want to be"

"Don't want to be what"

He knows
He knows
He knows
He's cruel... Making me say this

"I don't want to be your friend"

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