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Chanyeol's head jolted up from his desk at the disturbance. His annoyance was cut to a sudden hault once he realised who it was.


Chanyeol would begrugenly admit his heart did jump a tad in apprehension but purely because that was the close he's been with him since the party.

Sehun's feeling failed to gloss over Chanyeols knowledge for a while now. Wanting for the longest time to comfort his best friend about his heartache for a while now.


"I was thinking about having a party?"

"Oh? What's it for?"

"Well Sehuns still hurting hard. The happier you two get, the sadder Suhun becomes man. I don't know how to handle it Jongin."

Chanyeol explained rubbing the exposed skin on his neck. Feet propped up on the opposing desk, the position was slightly uncomfortable as he twisted his head to look at Jongin who was leaning against his own desk.

"Well I've been trying to explain to Kyungsoo about this rut he's going through but he always brushes it off like its nothing. Maybe you should just seduce him and fix his problem. You guys have pet names anyway"

The burst of laughter was hard for Chanyeol to conceal as he tilted his head back to release it. The laughter was cut short however as Chanyeol caught a glimpce of Sehun in the doorway. A frown covering his face.

"Speak of the devil"

Chanyeol ignored Jongin's comment as he looked towards Sehun, his legs moving of the desk instantly as he gave Sehun a bright smile.


The party he planned to improve Sehun's mood had the opposite effect much to Chanyeol's displeasure. And instead made him worse.

I was even trying to introduce him to- wait a minute since when was Sehun buddies with Luhan?

Chanyeol's attempt of matchmaker failed greatly and even sparked a moment that still caused a soft pang in his chest whenever he thought about it.

He tried his best to forget it.

But Sehuns disappearance did little to help. Which was why he was shocked as Sehun took a seat opposite him. His eyes slightly downcast.

"I've been a dick"

"You haven't"

You've just been hurt

Sehun sighed heavily as met his friends eyes.

"Yes Chanyeol I have. I've been a dick and I shouldn't of been like that to you. Not when all you've been was a friend"

Urrrrrr... Does he know I-

"I know you know about my feelings for Kyungsoo. And I know why felt like you couldn't bring it up to me and I'm sorry I put that distance between us"

Chanyeol was momentarily speechless at Sehun's openness and honestly in this moment. Not knowing when he has ever spoke this much on his feelings to him, or even apologised, despite being best friends for years. The urge to return the sentimate moved reminded him just how much he wanted this.

"You know, I've know you was gay for the longest time. We've been friends for years how could I not now. I guess I was hurt you felt like you couldn't share that with me. But of all the time I've known you, I've never seen you affected by someone like you are with Kyungsoo. It frightened me for a while cause for the first time I didn't know how to get through to you. I didn't know what you was thinking and you didn't want me too"

"Me being gay was never something I was ashamed about or felt like I need to hide...but my feelings for Kyungsoo was a total new experience for me. I felt like my body was on fire or something, I dunno. I guess I was too scared to reveal these things to you cause I didnt really understand it. Still don't."

"I don't know if I should hug you or cry right now"

Sehun let out a chuckle as he stood up from his seat and shoved Chanyeol's shoulder.

"How about you take me to that coffee shop you've been meaning to take me too. I feel for my fix. I hold you responsible for my new addiction by the way"


Chanyeol's heart felt full as he rushed up and follwed his friend out the building. Knowing there were still thousands of things they probably should address but was willing to ignore because he finally felt closer to Sehun then he ever been.

"You know" Chanyeol began as he walked in time with Sehun " You will find that person who makes your body feel on fire but" he paused again to throw an arm around Sehun, taking in the young man's laughter "until then you'll have to deal with me."

"I can deal with that"

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