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In the first time for a long time, Sehun was happy. That was not to suggest Sehun was going through a episode of depression (though the amount of heart ache would totally suggest that), but this wasn't the happiness you feel at a good joke. Or when you watch a heartfelt film with stella acting. Or when you're walking with Chanyeol to your house and your both laugh at something so hard you grip the other for support. Or when you're cooking with your mum and you bop flour on her nose and she gives a genuine giggle that makes her look eons more youthful and free. Or even when you're sitting on Kyungsoo's bed watching his eyes turn to little half moons as his face lights up in joy.

No, this happiness feels more than a feeling. Like a little bulb of light burrowed deep within his heart and beams are breaking through erupting and wrapping itself on the very nature of his body. Call him ridiculous, Sehun would agree. But nonetheless walking down the street at night, snow falling around them. And even though they are not holding hands, Sehun feels like he is about to burst simply being out with his boyfriend that he fears he might cry. And as he looks at the person walking in step with him, a grin so wide it's hurting his cheeks as Suho is telling him a story. He can't help but be taken aback.

Oh my God

I found him

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