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A warm chill ran through Sehun's body as he strode into the coffee shop, Chanyeol close behind him. He's of course being in coffee shops before. Although there was something more intimate and homely about his current surroundings that caught his attension.

Nothing like Starbucks

The decor was simple, browns and oranges filling the room. Pictures of trees and leaves clad around the walls, the beauty of the scenery relating nicely to the autumn theme. The smell of coffee and cinnamon was pleasant and although there was no music playing. Sehun found melody in the comfortable dialogue between the few customers currently there.

It took a while before Sehun noticed he was hold up the line in his admiration and mumbled an apology. His eyes darting to the waiter who didn't at all seem irritated by the wait.

"ummmm can I get a..."

Sehun's speech began to slow the longer he stared at the waiter infront of him. His brain struggle to put a name to his face despite a gut feeling he had seen him before.


A warm tingling feeling was growing on Sehun's face as he clocked onto how his staring must be coming across. His slowed down words now stutters as he struggled to cope of the confusion and embarrassment of his situation.

The waiter still didn't send to react at all. His face only showing a tad of amusement as he watched Sehun's episode. His smile remaining as warm and genuine as the atmosphere of the shop.

"Ahhhh introductions" Chanyeol exclaimed from seemingly nowhere though he was watching his friend for the past 5 minutes trying not to break in laughter. "Sorry about my Sehun's obscene reaction he doesn't leave the house often" he joked to the waiter before looking at Sehun "You might need to get a hold of yourself and this" he says as he gestures to the stranger "is Suho. Maker of the godlike coffee you love and the guy I was trying to introduce you to at the party"

Before you went all crazy jealous was smartly left unsaid and Sehun took in those words as he continued to stare at Suho. A newfound understanding helping him calm down.


Sehun opened his mouth ready to apologie for his reaction before the voice from behind them all beat them to it.

"Can you hurry the fuck up and order your drink or leave!"

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