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"Sehun" Kyungsoo began, his voice breaking from emotion, not carrying on until his friend meet his eyes. "I wish, I really do wish I can be the one that makes you happy. I really do. I wish I can be that someone for you too and don't think your not important to me cause you are"

Kyungsoo removed his hand from Sehun's and gently grabbed the sides of his face to keep Sehun's focus on him and these words. The tears in the corners of his friends eyes making him realise he was in the same state.

Sehun I'm sorry I don't love you. I really am

"Please don't think me bad for saying I wish I loved you. I wish I was in love with you. But I'm not and I know you realise this and you're trying to cope right now. But please, please know that I never wanted cause you pain. I want you to be happy Sehun."

I wish it could be with me but it can't
I'm sorry
I love Jongin, I don't know how to do anything but love Jongin
I'm sorry

Tears greedily flowed from Sehun's eyes, the tears running down and hitting Kyungsoo's thumbs. The older boy looked to hurt to speak and Kyungsoo couldn't look any longer. Instead pulling his friend to him for a hug. Having to stand up from the computer chair, Kyungsoo's arms was wrapped tightly around Sehun's wider shoulders, his chin resting on Sehun's head. The older boy froze up, his sobs cut by an abrupt gasp at the contact.

"I'm sorry Sehun"

At that Sehun seemed to break down, his arms wrapping around Kyungsoo's smaller body tightly. Pressing his face into his chest and tiny sobs can be heard in the room from both of them.

I'm sorry Sehun
Please move on
Please be happy
I'm sorry

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