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Another sigh escaped Sehun's lips, trailing into the open air. The café had a lack of customers today, the only people besides Sehun being Suho, another employee called Lay who was nice enough and a couple in the far left corner sharing a hot chocolate and a slice of caramel cake. Sehun played with his own cake as he stabbed it gently with his fork, actually lifting some to his mount on occasion.

Suho was leaning against the coffee machine engaged in a little small talk with Lay. Sehun failed to pay attension to know the topic but Suho let out a soft laugh and with his few months of coming here, Sehun found that his laugh was a hell lot warmer than any coffee he gets served.

Though another sigh left his lips again as Sehun slumped down on the table. The hind legs of his stool not supporting all his weight and his plate was gently shoved to the side. This seemed to capture Suho's attention as he rolled he eyes at Lay, his face showing more amusement than anything.

"Okay you" he said, pressing his finger at the roots of Sehun's head, the weak pressure barely enough to nudge his friends head at all. "What is up huh? Your depression has been scared all my customers away"

One eye could be seen opening as it glanced up at Suho. After a moment, Sehun groaned as he moved himself to a proper sitting position. Taking in Suho's forever patient smile as let a beat pass before replying. "I've been thinking"


"We should go out"

Suho blinked once, his smile unchanging but his eyebrows was raised as regarded Sehen. In the corner of Sehun's eye he could see Lay sport a look of amused confusion as his eyes shifted between the two.

"Like" Suho began, his words slow and careful "A dat-"

"No, not a date Suho" Sehun cut in quickly shaking his head. The regret was instant and he quickly berated himself in his head. "As friends. We haven't done any thing when you're not at work yet and I think that's time to change"

Suho continued to look at his friend and although his eyes never narrowed. Sehun felt as if he was being analyzed very thoroughly.

"Sure, what do you want to do?"

Sehun fought his soul not the physically sigh in relief.

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