Chapter 15

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As I sat down they all stared at me.

'Oh I think we can take a few guesses' Kimberly giggled.

'Yeah, seems like you have had a wail of a time' Aaron teased.

'I am missing something' I asked confused.

'Your new boyfriend' Josh winked.

'Hold up, I don't have a new boyfriend, please don't tell me you believe that bullshit in the papers, since when do you read the papers' I spoke harshly.

Great, now all my friends thought that I was dating Harry. It would probably have been easier if I was, because then they wouldn't have believed me. I seriously had, had enough of that boy. My life now seemed to revolve around him when, a week ago I he didn't know who I was and I barley knew who he was. I hated him so much, but every time I heard his name butterflies entered my stomach. My head was jumbled up. I was so confused. But I had to stick to my story, I hated him and that was never going to change.

'Geez, sorry' Kimberly rolled her eyes.

'Whats with the sarcasm' I bit.

'Whats with the snapping' she bit back.

'Because you are just like everyone else, I hoped that the people closest too me would believe me but obviously not' I spoke.

I felt like I was fighting a losing battle and that it would never be over. They all just stared at me lost for words. I think it might have dawned on them what I had been through.

'Anyway, here's Mr Walker, he will surely cheer you up' Kimberley said, trying to cheer me up.

I laughed, she was probably right, Mr Walker would cheer me up. He was the hottest teacher ever. Me and Kimberley joked that he was actually a model, because there was no way a teacher could look that hot. There's no way anyone could look that hot. Well maybe Harry. I cursed myself in my mind. Why did he always pop into my head.

'Ok class, please get out your great gatsby novels and read the next two chapters, they are very important, so no talking' Mr Walker spoke.

Me and Kimberly just stared at him, while Josh and Aaron rolled their eyes in disgust. Once I was snapped out of his beauty, I grabbed my copy of the novel and started reading. It was such a good book, I got so endorsed into it I didn't realise the class gasp. All that mattered was the novel and nothing else, when I read it I was sucked into that world. I felt someone nudge me but I just let it slip, nothing was tearing me from this book. I thought I could hear my name being echoed around the class but once again all that mattered was the book. Then, a voice caught my attention, it took me a few seconds to realise who it was.

'Miss Wilson'

'Miss Wilson' he called for a second time.

'Y-yes sir, sorry' I stuttered.

'There is someone here to see you' he spoke

My face twisted into a confused look.


'There is someone here to see you' he spoke again.


But before I could finish my sentence, the tall figure standing at the door caught my eye.

'Harry' I squeaked.

He looked slightly nervous, as of what to say.

'Hi' he mumbled.

My eyes locked with his he looked so beautiful. He had a grey t-shirt on, with a brown leather jacket on top with a fluffy wool type collar. He had paired them with a pair of black jeans and brown boots. His hair pushed off his face, as he nervously ran his hands through it. I was in no mood to argue with him or be civil with him.

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