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1 week later

"Outfits, check. Bras, check. Underwear... check." I said to myself. It helps if I think out loud. All packed, and ready to go! I zipped up my suitcase, pulling the handle up. I gave my room one last look, making sure I didn't forget anything.

"IM READYY!!" I cheerfully yelled on my way down the stairs. I had my hair up in a bun, and my reading glasses on. I just wore my neon blue sports bra with my Nike shorts. The boys looked at me like I was the most annoying living creature, which I probably was anyway.

"Ten years later." Nathan mumbled under his breath. I sent him a glare, which caused him to smirk. I rolled my eyes at his ignorance and immaturity. We hopped into the van and drove off to our friends house. Since there were 11 of us, we took two cars. In my car was Colin, Nathan, Carson, Kaylee, and Nick. In the other car was Sage, Jade, Lance, Dillon, Shawn and London. Colin was driving with Nathan in the passenger seat. I was in the middle row next to Carson, leaving Kaylee and Nick in the back. Once everyone was ready, we headed out. Wild Wolf Lodge, here we come. 


"Goddammit Luna and Carson will you fucking shut your mouth!" Colin yelled at our singing. Someone's on the time of their month. 

"Leave us alone, were trying to have a good time here PAL." I said, emphasizing the word 'pal '. 

"Luna's right." Carson said, putting his muscular arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. His other hand ruffled up my bun. 

"Hey!" I slapped his hand away from my perfect bun. I looked into his blue eyes and pouted. How did people have such beautiful eyes when I'm stuck with hazel ones. 

"What's wrong princess?" He imitated my pouting, which caused a smile to form on my lips. 

"Your eyes are so pretty its not fair." I looked deeper into them. It resembled an ocean. 

"Your eyes are amazing Lu-" His words were cut off by Colin saying "Stop flirting you two." I narrowed my eyes at the dude I sadly call, my brother. Nathan  chuckled at Colin's remark. I hit them both on the shoulder. 

"Guys let the lovebirds have their moment." Kaylee said, smiling innocently at me. I noticed Nick was being quiet the whole ride. I wonder if there's anything wrong. He stared out the window. I decided just to let it go, maybe I was overthinking.

"Luna, wake up." Someone shook me awake. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Realization hit me as I saw my surrounding. We pulled up to our cabin.

"We're here!" I yelled excitedly. "Hurry up! Open the door." I rushed Carson.

"Geez, calm down there buddy." He chuckled. He slide the door open getting out. I followed behind him, taking a deep breath. The smell of the lake was always my favorite because I grew up in a lake house. I ran into the cabin, taking a good observation. Everything was so neat, and wood. Then, the sound of another car pulled up, and the car honked. It was the crew! In came running Dillon. She ran towards me and jumped on me, hugging me tightly. 

"I MISSED YOU. THE CAR RIDE WAS SO BORING WITHOUT YOU BAE." She yelled into my face, which caused me to flinch. 

"Rude." Lance said coming through the door. Dillon jumped off me, going to greet the rest. I gave Lance a hug, as well as the rest. Once everyone was settled with picking the bedrooms and stuff. We decided to get the dinner going. The guys went out back and grilled the hamburgers and hotdogs while the girls made the fries and the salad. Teamwork is always fun, especially when you and your girls are together. 

"So what's up with you and Carson?" Kaylee asked, with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Oooh." The girls squealed. I felt heat blaring up my necks. 

"There's nothing guys. Honestly. We're just friends." I said, continuing to salt the fries. 

"I thought you had a thing with Nathan." Dillon added. I blushed even harder, thinking back at that moment in my bedroom. My heartbeat suddenly raced faster and faster. 

"Uh no I never had a thing with Nathan." I awkwardly addressed, but being the drama queens they are, questioned me even more. 

"Then why is your face as red as a tomato?" London chortled. I looked at her with a 'really' face. 

"Guys, I don't want to start drama and stuff, so I'm not looking for someone to date this summer." I informed them with confidence in my voice. Before any of the girls could say another word, the boys busted through the door, whooping. 

"Dinner is ready." Carson yelled, setting the tray on the table. I finished up the fries, then we all sat down to eat. 

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