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"Cute bikini Lulu." A voice came from behind me. I knew that voice too well.

"Thanks Mendes Muffin. Nice swim trunks." I said, turning around to face a smiling Mendes. I faced the lake where the sun is slowly setting on the horizon, causing the sky to be a pastel pink-blue. 

"How's your leg?" He asked, leaning onto the railing of the boat. I shrugged, shriveling up my nose. 

"It's okay, I guess." I answered casually. It did hurt a bit when I first got into the water, but the pain slowly went away. I could hear laughter from below the boat, where everyone else is. 

"What's going on with you and Carson?" He asked the question I was dreading to answer. My cheeks heated up at the thought of him, but luckily it was getting dark and Shawn didn't notice. I chewed on my lip, not knowing what to say. There was nothing to say. I swallowed before speaking. 

"Um, I don't know. Nothing much, we're just friends." 

"Really? Do 'just friends' kiss?" He stated, quoting the words 'just friends'. I gasped, my eyes slightly widened. 

"How do you know?" I turned to him, raising an eyebrow. He chuckled lightly, making me feel stupid. 

"He told us." Shawn admitted, which made my cheeks heat up even more. Why would he tell everybody about that? "I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything, Lu. Do you have feelings for him?" I hesitated, contemplating whether I do or not. I usually don't like to think about my feelings, let alone talk about them to another being. 

"I don't know. He's cute and stuff, but I don't know if he feels the same-please don't tell him." I admitted.

"I won't, I promise. But, what about Nathan?" He keeps bombarding me with questions. Goddammit, Shawn. He got me thinking about that night again, in my room. The way his lips felt on mine, the way he touched me, and the way he spoke to me. It's all so delusional. That moment felt so catastrophic. 

"Nathan is like my brother, I don't like him like that." I said. Even though we still have that memory between us, I didn't want to go back to it. It was the past. 

"Anyway, let's go get some dinner, yeah?" I nodded. Shawn opened up his arms. I wrapped my arm around him and buried my face into his chest. Shawn literally gives the best bear hugs, ever. 

We made our way down and helped them finish making dinner. Tonight was steak with potatoes, and corn. Classic. Once everything was prepared, we set it all on the dinner table. We sat down and started eating. I cut into my steak and stuff it into my mouth. I then felt something fly at my head, and followed that was laughter. Tons of corn fell off my head as I stood up angrily. Carson and Nathan were dying of laughter, as well as everyone else. 

"WHO DID IT." I demanded setting my fork down. I narrowed my eyes at Carson, knowing he had something to do with this. His eyes widened after he realized I was looking at him. He cleared his throat, repositioning himself uncomfortably before looking back at me. I didn't say anything, picking up my spoon full of corn, and ran to him. Everyone else's laughter is still in the background as I chased him. 

"CARSON." I yelled, running after him. He ran outside, so I followed. The guys had their phones taken out, ready to take a video. Carson had run to the lake, not knowing where to run to. I smirked, with the spoon in my hand, I flicked the spoon towards him, sending the yellow bits flying into his face. He was now trapped between me and the lake. I ran and pushed him into the lake, but he grabbed my hand, and I fell in too. I let out a shriek at how cold the water was. I splashed water at him as I swam to get out. I got my body up on the dock, and pushed myself up. I ran inside the cabin, leaving them out there.

|•|Expect the Unexpected|•| Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora