Chapter 9 . . .

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Chelsea POV~

I was released from the hospital about 7 o'clock this morning. I walked back over to the hotel. I am actually kind of happy about this pregnancy.  I didn't even know who my child's father was though. That's so.. trashy. Lord knows how Milan is going to react to this, let alone my mama. I'm not gone feel bad about this pregnancy, after all I'm trying to get myself together. This baby will be one of the thing that will remind me about the new life I'm starting and keep me motivated to stay on the right track. I looked over at the clock , 1 o'clock. I called Milan, straight to voice mail. I called a second time and she answered. She seemed out of breath. 

"Uh, Milan its Chelsea. You busy? Cause it sounds like it."

"Hey Chelsea. Um, yeah I was kind of busy, but its okay. Wassup?"

"I'm downtown at the Sheraton hotel. I wanted to move back in so I was wondering if you could pick me up some time today..whenever you're not busy today of course."

"Yeah, I can do that. Give me about 20 minutes and I should be there by then." I could tell she was smiling.

"Okay. Thank you."

I got up and went to the bathroom and did the whole hygiene thing. I lifted my shirt up and looked in the mirror at my stomach. I wasn't showing hardly any. I can't wait to be a mother. That was one of my dreams since i was 4 years old. I saw how my mother cared for me and I wanted to be just like her. I can never tell her she is not my mother because that's exactly what she was to me. I want to protect my child and spoil them, and teach them the important things in life. Eventually, I'll tell them about the mistakes I made. Then I'll let them know there is nothing you can do that cannot be undone. My life is an example. Make the right choices because wrong choices can hurt you in the end, for example I do not know the father of my child. I just don't want this life I'm living for them. I got dress and headed downstairs to check out and wait for Milan. I had a smile on my face the whole way down there. I was just so excited. Finally, I saw Milan's white Audi a4 pull up. 

"CHELSEA JAY! Hay booo!"

"Hey! I missed you."

" I missed you so much more. Get in! You hungry?"

"Yes, starving."

We talked on the way to the restaurant. We finally arrived to an Italian restaurant that I've never heard of. 

"Just 2 of you?" the hostess asked.


"Right this way."

We got situated and we talked some more.

"So why were you breathing so hard when you answered the phone?" I chuckled

"Giiiirl, King was going to work on my ass." 

"Oh my goodness. At least y'all are happy. I actually have some news." I said slowly

"Uh oh, do I want to hear it ? You're saying it like its bad."

"It's good and bad."

"Go ahead."

"Well, last night I went to the hospital and I found out I am pregnant, that's the good thing. I don't know  who the father of the baby is, that's the bad." 

"Well congratulations! Im happy for you. As far as the baby's father, I don't really know what else to tell you but to thug it out. Of course it will be hard to raise a child without its father but you always got me!"

"Yeah, you right. Thanks."


We ate, paid the waiter and left. We arrived at the house, and I have never been so happy to be back. I walked up to my room and a smile spread across my face from ear to ear. 

"Yeah, Chelsea. You're back, and don't fuck this up. Please. Remember, new beginnings" I said to myself.

I layed down on the bed and let me tell you, my bed has never felt this great. I immediately knocked out.

Kalis POV~

I haven't seen Chelsea since Milan's birthday. I really miss that girl. If it's the last thing I do on this Earth, I will get Chelsea back and make her understand I love her so much. My niggas used to tell me Chelsea had me sprung. Of course, since I had an image to keep I would say she wasn't shit but a long term hoe for me. But, when I get her back , I'll gladly say I am sprung. That girl helped me get through so much. If she doesn't take me back, I will go crazy which is why I have to get her back ASAP. I drove over to her house and rang the doorbell. A few moments later, the most beautiful girl I've even seen in my life opened the door. Chelsea. My heart started beating double time. 

"Um, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Chelsea, I want you. I want you to want me. I don't really know why you fell out of love with me, but I need you." 

She burst out into hysterical laughter.

"Yo Chels I don't know what the fuck you laughing at but I'm dead serious."

"Goodbye Kalis. You can get the fuck off my doorstep. I don't need you. I'm trying to do better for myself and you are no good. I am pregnant and I'm actually keeping this baby. You won't convince me to kill this baby, not this time."

"YOU killed the baby. I wasn't the one carrying the baby. Besides, we didn't need a fucking pest running around getting in between us. That's why I hate kids now, they ruin everything."

"You are seriously fucked up. Children are beautiful. You need to leave before I smack the shit out of you." She shut the door in my face. Fucking bitch.

Well now I know how she really feels. Without Chelsea I am nothing. 

I drove down the highway at high speed. It was raining heavily. The faster and farther I drove, everything became a blur until I finally lost it. I parked my car on the side of a bridge over a large body of water. I got out and stood on the edge of the bridge.

"This is for you Chelsea. I'll always love you."

I jumped. 

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