Chapter 6 . . .

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Milan POV~

*2 weeks later*

Well, the day is finally here , GRADUATION DAY ! Although I am overly proud of myself for getting this far, I'm still a little upset that Chelsea isn't graduating with me today. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9 o'clock. I had to be at the coliseum by 12 o'clock which gives me just enough time to take a relaxing bath. I went to the bathroom and jumped in the tub. I sat there and thought about what Chelsea could be doing right now, how I wish my parents were here for my graduation, where I would be if my aunt had not taken me in. I'm so thankful to God for everything I have because he could have taken me a long time ago. I got out the tub to the sound of my phone ringing. I ran out of my room with my towel wrapped around me. I looked at who was calling me and rolled my eyes. 


"Milan.. Listen, I want to come to your graduation today. I know you probably don't want to see me, but I want to see you , so please allow me to come today." 

I should just let him come. Today is going to be a good day today and I don't want to spend the whole day feeling guilty about this.

"Alright King , but don't do anything to get on my goddamn nerves. Okay?"

"I gotchu....thank you."


I sighed as I hung up the phone. I guess we'll all have to see how this goes when that time comes. I walked over to my balcony and looked out into New York. This place was so beautiful. As much as I love the beauty of New York, I kind of miss Chicago. I never thought I would say that. I looked up into the blue sky and prayed to God.

Dear God:

Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for allowing my parent to bring me into this world. Even though my childhood has not gone as I wanted it to, I still thank you that one day when I have children I can give them the childhood that I never had. Thank you for my Aunt Reese. Without her I probably wouldn't be graduating today. She pushed me to follow my dreams as becoming a forensic scientist. Thank you for getting me through college. These 4 years were so hard, but you helped me get through them. Now God, I pray for my best friend Chelsea. She's going through a lot too. I don't know what she's doing right now or who she's with, but please keep her safe. Let her know that I care for her so much and she can come to me for anything. Let her know I want to help her, that the streets are not the right place for her. Then God, I actually like King, but he is in a business that is risking his life and could potentionally risk mines if I start a relationship with him. Lord, please lead me in the right direction with King. Even when I did wrong you still helped me out. You still loved me and that is why I love you so much. Once again, thank you so much.

Before I was done praying I realized I had tears running down my face. I sat down in the chair on my balcony and cried. If I want change I have to get it for myself . In the words of Ghandi "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." I wiped my face and walked back inside. I looked up at the clock. 11:05. I went up to my room and got dressed. I flatironed my hair, did a one over in front of the mirror and smiled. After all that was done, It was 11:30, just enough time to get Starbucks. As I approached Starbucks, I saw that there was little to no waiting line. I ordered something different today, a vanilla bean frapp. I thanked the barista and ran outside to catch a cab. I stood there for like 500 zillion minutes. Finally a caught a cab. He drove like a damn maniac! But, I wasn't going to complain because after all, today was my day of happiness. I paid the cab driver and ran inside the coliseum. I was greeted by familiar faces, all smiling. I got in line to recieve my cap and gown. When it was my turn I was greeted by Ms.Blackmon. She's been suppoprting me since my very first day at New York University.

"I am so proud of you Milan! Your day is finally here!" 

"Yes ma'am. I am proud of myself for actually getting through college."

"You did excellent."

I walked away putting my cap and gown on. I mingled in with the rest of my classmate for a while. 


My heart started beating 2 times its original pace. My hands were sweating. Finally, it was my partner and I 's turn to walk. I looked into the audience, and saw there were so many people there. Very large families supporting there graudate, and I only had my aunt. The ceremony continued, and finally it was time to recieve our degrees. 

"Milan Nyi Westbrook" the commencer said.

As I was walking across the stage, I heard screams from people I didn't even know. A tear ran down my face as I realized, this is real. 

*Picture of Milan's graduation outfit to the side*

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