Chapter 11 . . .

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Chelsea POV~

My very first love, took his own life. I haven't been the same since. As bad as I wanted to, I didn't run back to drugs, I just couldn't.  Milan has been really supportive. I'm glad i decided to come home, because all I really need in this life of sin is Jesus and Milan. They were the only two who had my back since, who knows when. I went to see King yesterday, and boy he's taking the situation pretty bad. I feel so sorry for him. His best friend. His ride or die. gone. I cannot imagine loosing my bestfriend like he did. I loved Kalis, i really did. Will i miss him? Yes. But do I feel bad that he's dead? Hell no. Call me a bitch but it's the truth. He deserved it. This baby is starting to move around a bit. It is still a weird feeling. I'm doing all I can to ensure the complete health of this baby. I love it already and I cannot wait to find out what I'm having. I woke up in a funky mood so I decided to go for a morning jog. i dont know, maybe I'm crazy but I feel like somebody was watching me. I shrugged it off and continued running. All of a sudden someone covered my face with a wash cloth with a very strong smell. i tried fighting back, but the scent overpowered me. I blacked out.

Unknown POV~

I finally got her. that bitch that Kalis knocked up. Hell, she sure was fine. I wouldn't mind being a daddy to a baby. She was knocked out when we arrived to the house.  I picked her up, bridal style. She was starting to wake up. I put her on the bed and watched her sleep. don't they say pregnant sex is the best sex. I don't mind fucking her. I pulled down her pants and began to thrust inside of her. She awoken a few minutes later.

"Who the fuck are you?" she asked in a raspy voice.

"Bitch, I'm yo new boo. You do what the fuck I say, when I say and I'll give you everything you need and want."

"Hell no. Take me back home, NOW."

I laughed. " You don't give orders around here, I do."

"Listen, either you gonna take me home, or ima have to walk there." she said getting off the bed.

" Whoa whoa whoa, baby girl. I ain't gonna let you just walk out like that. You sit yo ass down. You ain't going nowhere. This is home now." 

She began to cry. She was still beautiful even with tears flowing from her eyes. 

"Shut the fuck up with all that crying. You're never leaving. Keep on fucking with me the wrong way and you'll never eat either."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Cus I hate that boyfriend of yours."

She looked confused "Who? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Kalis ! Bitch don't start acting like you stupid."

"What the fuck. Kalis is dead. Kalis and I broke up before he killed himself."

"Oh. You still ain't leaving."

She kept eying the dresser. I didn't pay it any attention until I got up to walk out and she jumped up. She reached for a handgun that was on the dresser. I tried to get my gun out before she could pull the trigger but she was fast. POW! She shot me in the back. I can't let this bitch get away with this. I shot her in the stomach and she fell as fast as a heartbeat. I got up and ran out the house to get to the hospital. I don't give a fuck if that baby lived or not, really. 

Chelsea POV~

This motherfucker shot me in the stomach. I was in so much pain. I was almost positive that my baby wasn't alive. I called 911 and they arrived in about 7 minutes. They were really concerned about the health of my baby. I was concerned also. When we arrived to the hospital they did emergency surgery to remove the bullet. I was starting to wake up from the sleeping medicine.

"Chelsea?" the nurse said.

"What now?"

"I have news for you."

"Go ahead."

"The bullet was successfully removed. Unfortunately, BabyA didn't make it. Fortunately, BabyB is perfectly fine."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were having twins before. You didn't know?"

"No, I didn't. The doctor told me I was having a baby, not two."

"Well congratcongratulations." she said and with that she walked out.

SO, I am still a mother . I am still having a baby. I am upset about one of my babies dying though. I have to thank God for what I do have though.

"Shawtayyyy. what happened?" Milan said entering the room .

"Long story. I don't even want to talk about it."

"But you have to tell me."

"Some Nigga King and Kalis got beef wit i guess just kidnapped me when i was out jogging this morning and he raped me and then when i was trying to get away he shot me in the stomach. But once i got here I found out that the first hospital I went to read the ultrasound wrong and I was actually supposed to have twins,  but the nigga shot one of the babies. Fortunately, one of them is still living."

"Oh my gosh. Chelsea! "

"Im fine now, I promise."

"As soon as i get you out of here , King is killing that nigga ASAP! We cant have all this bullshit going on."

"Shit, I wanna kill that motherfucker myself. "

"That could work."

Milan stayed the night at the hospital with me and I was really grateful that she did. Why am I still thinking about Kalis though? He ruined my life to be honest. I dont think he understood that. These nurses in this hospital are beyond irritating. Im trying to sleep! Why must you come in my room every ten minutes. I dont fucking get it.

By morning the Doctor was hesitant on releasing me,  but I convinced him and was home by 11.

"Chelsea, What you want to do about this Uzi nigga?" King asked.

"I want em dead. I want to take his life."

"When you trying to get this done ?"


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