Chapter 8 . . .

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King POV~

Lately, Milan and I have been hanging out a lot. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm in love with her . She's been holding me down , moving weight for me, the whole 9. I don't think she realized how much I actually love her though. I think she sees our relationship as a friends at a really high level type. I think it's time to let her know how I really feel. I don't think I can go another day without her knowing how I really feel.

We were just chillin at my crib , watching Hustle and Flow and cuddling.


"What's good witchu shawty?" she said tryna sound hood.

" Its all good shawty." I chuckled "But on a serious note, Milan I cannot go another day without you knowing that I am in love with you. To be honest, I didn't expect  to get feelings this deep in the beginning, but you reeled me and and I cannot take back the love I have for you. I think you like us being just friends, but I don't anymore. I want to be with you. You've been so loyal to me for the past few months like no one else has been."

"Awwww, Chump. I honestly have fallen for you. Since we're being honest, I used to hate you. Now, its a different story. When you first asked me to move weight for you I wasn't so sure about it , but it was all good. I think we need to move to the next level just as much as you do! So...King will you be my boyfriend?" She said getting on one knee trying not to crack a smile.

"OH MY GOSH. YES ! YES ! I will be your boyfriend! I have to call the family and let them know!" I said playing along with her.K

She jumped up and hugged me. Well, that went better than I thought it would. 

"I'm going to give you the world and more." I said in her ear.

"Good, because I think I deserve it, Mr. Cruz." she smiled.

Gosh, that girl is just stunning. I cannot wait to see where this relationship goes. One day we'll be one happy family with kids of our own. We'll be married and living perfect. Milan had ambitions and I liked that, alot. Although she was very smart and uptight, she will beat a bitch in a heartbeat if they get out of line.

"YOU KNOW ITS HARD OUT HERE FOR A PIMP" Milan sang along with Shug from the movie. I just laughed at her. This girl is goofy.

We watched movies all night until Milan was knocked out on my chest. I liked her there because I felt like I was protecting her.

It was about 3 AM when I received a text from Kalis.

Kalis: Yoooo, get to the trap ASAP!

Me: Aiiight.

I have no idea what's going on, but I gotta get there. I don't know how Milan is going to react when she realized I'm gone, but that's something I'll have to handle at a later time. I got out the bed and put my clothes on and headed to the trap house. When I arrived I grabbed Suzi out of the glove compartment and took the safety off as I was walking up to the house. I have no idea what these niggas could be up to, I gotta have my own back cause niggas is snakes now a days. I walked into the office and saw Jason and Kalis smoking a fat ass joint.

"Man fuck wit yo cuddy den."  I said taking the blunt out of Jason's hand.

I inhaled and exaled slowly. I loved this feeling. 

"So wassup?" I asked.

"So, I heard that nigga Uzi got a new team out working OUR side of the streets. I think this is one of his infamous plans to get back at us. Now, I don't know about yall niggas, but I'm furious as hell. I got a plan and its real simple." Jason said.

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