Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Now was my chance to make it. Now was my chance to show them all. Lilac Rose had told her agent to fuck off, now I can sign her. Now I can make her better and bigger and both of our names will be everywhere in no time flat.

"Where are you going?" My roommate, Thea, asked me curiously.

I was packing a suitcase as quickly as I could. I probably looked crazy, but I didn't care. I need to fly to Australia right now and find Lilac before she disappears and hides. I know exactly which hotel she's staying at and all the information I need. I just need to fly there now.

"Haven't you seen the news?" I asked her breathlessly and she shook her head. "Lilac Rose told her agent to fuck off."

She rolled her eyes, "and you think you'll be her next agent? Livvy even if you were the last agent on the planet it wouldn't work out."

I slammed my bag closed and started to zip it up, if I'm missing anything I'll buy it in Australia. "She's going to need a new identity after what she did." I sighed and looked Thea right in her eyes, "who's better to help her create a new identity other than a nobody agent like me?"

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "what are you talking about?"

"Did you not see her post?" Thea shook her head. "Penelope Van Sloune tried to get her to ghost write a book without any profits. It was going to ruin her career either way so she said no."

"Holy crow," Thea looked just as surprised as I had been. "She's only twenty though?"

I shrugged, "exactly, she has a lot more to live for. A lot more things she can accomplish. She just can't do it as Lilac Rose anymore. And that's where I come in."

"Well, you can't leave Liv."

"Why not?" She made me angry with that comment. "This is the only chance I'm ever going to have. I cannot miss this for anything.

"You're already an agent for Wilma," I froze at her words. "Remember that model who has a photoshoot tomorrow. The biggest photoshoot of her life. You're supposed to go with her, remember?"

I closed my eyes. Wilma. She has so much potential and she's starting to get her name known. I can't give up on her either. I know I can manage two clients all by myself, but I just needed to get that second one ASAP. What am I going to do?

My eyes snapped open, "you have tomorrow off, you take her for me."

Thea's face fell, "no way agent lady am I taking your client to a photoshoot."

I rolled my eyes, "Thea we all know we can do it! You don't have to do anything! Just sign her in and make sure she's on time. If people talk to you about her just give them my business card! Wilma knows how everything works and doesn't need too much help. She just needs someone to be there to vouch for her. You're the perfect person for the job!"

"No," she stated and turned to leave my room.

"Thea," I said sternly and she stopped in her tracks. "Do this for me and I owe you anything you want."

"Anything?" She asked without turning around to face me. She sounded scary but I needed this.

"Yes, I said anything didn't I?"

She slowly turned back around to face me with an evil smile on her face. Now I was afraid of what she had in mind. "Fine, I'll let you know what it is after you sign Lilac Rose. Have fun in Australia."

She gave me a little wave and I felt a sense of dread fall over me as she walked out of my room. That was never a good sign. Thea is secretly evil and crazy. She always gets what she wants because you know that if she doesn't get it, all hell will break lose.

After taking a deep breath, my phone beeped. That meant my Uber ride was here. Good, time to get out of here before Thea changes her evil mind. After I'm finally on that plane, she'll have no choice and will have to do it for me. That's the beauty of our friendship.

In the car onto the way to the airport, I sent a quick text to Wilma letting her know of the changes.

Huge opportunity came up in Australia, I'll text you when I land. Thea will help you out tomorrow. Nothing has changed for you. Rock that shoot like you always do and I'll call you when it's over tomorrow night. Xoxo.

Wilma didn't respond. I bet she was either sleeping, working out, or hanging out with her family. She always has something to do these days. Constantly busy and it makes my life harder sometimes when I try to further her career.

When I got through the airport security and found my terminal, I texted Thea. There was nothing better to do while I waited to board the plane.

You're the best, but make sure this evil plan of yours isn't life threatening.

I didn't think anything through right. I was already making a list of things I needed to buy on my notes on my phone. I also needed a hotel room, which will be harder to find on short notice. I sure hope this plane has WiFi because I'm going to desperately need it.

Thea responded to me right before I turned off my phone for the flight.

I make no promises.

That's it. I'm going to die.

When the plane finally got into the air, I asked the lady - attendant something - if there was WiFi on the flight.

"There is but you have to pay for it sweetie," she smiled sweetly.

I gritted my teeth, I needed that WiFi.

"Okay, I'll pay for it."

It took a bit more time than I had hoped, but I got connected to the WiFi. I went to look for a hotel that was close to Lilac's - because staying in the same one as her would be too creepy - and booked a room. That made me sigh with relief.

Now that I've dealt with the most important issue, I sent an email to the photographer and the organizer for the photoshoot with Wilma tomorrow telling them about the sudden change of plans for me and that Thea would be filling in for me.

I didn't say anything about wanting Lilac Rose.

If anyone knew about that Wilma would be done, just like Lilac is right now. No one but Thea can know about this. It's not good for my reputation. Not after what Lilac did. She's becoming the laughing stalk of the writing community, even though people like me would call her a hero. She's very brave.

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