Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Jasmine Little is friends with Lilac Rose. Could my day get any worse?

"Well, you're dedicated and crazy," Jasmine smirked at me. She had an evil look in her eyes and it scared me. She could ruin this whole thing with Lilac Rose all because I have an issue with backing down from a fight. Why must I be so 'all or nothing'? "But Lilac she can help you bring Bryn Riley to life."

Who's Bryn Riley?

Jasmine got up from the bed and grabbed her purse, "bye now, have fun and don't stay up too late."

I let myself relax a bit while she left. Thank goodness she didn't say anything to my hero about our first encounter. I was less forward now and I knew there were boundaries when it came down to it.

"You two have met before?" Lilac asked, a little afraid, after Jasmine was out the door.

I slowly nodded my head, "yea, moving on, who is Bryn Riley?"

Lilac smirked at me and held up her laptop off the bed where it was when I walked into the room. "Bryn Riley is my new publishing name."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, "what made you think of that name?"

Lilac shrugged, "I've had an anonymous blog running for a couple months now and I used my mom's initials of B-R to sign off on the posts. So Jazz and I were talking about it and when I was little I had a doll named Bryn because it was my favourite name, and Riley is my grandfather's name so it works out perfectly."

I gave her a smile, "wow you really are ready for this!"

She laughed and nodded, "alright so, they terminate my contract next week, though my book is still coming out next year and I'm still getting paid when it does."

As she talked I took a seat at the desk in the hotel room and pulled out my computer. "And I have ideas and half-written stories we will be able to soon send into publishing companies. Though, once my contract is terminated I am releasing something on my own for free."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "what would that be?"

She looked a little embarrassed, "Valerie and the All-Nighters." When I gave her a look to explain what that was, she continued. "It's the first story I took to the publishers. They said no but they did want to publish something of mine because they knew I could be big - saw my blog or something probably. And they accepted Flower Fields over Valerie and the All-Nighters."

"And you want to post Valerie and the All-Nighters to spite them?" I asked curiously. I wanted her to make money for herself, to make a name for herself again. Not spoil Lilac Rose's name even more than it already has.

She nodded her head, "they forbade me to even think about writing Valerie and her adventures anymore, but I always secretly wrote them whenever I had writer's block. I mean sure, I have plenty of other stories and ideas ready to go, but Valerie was my first."

"Can I read it then?" If she's going to post it, it has to be good. She can't just post it out there and keep ruining herself like that. Lilac Rose is digging herself into a grave that she won't be able to get out of. "Before you post it, I want to make sure you're not just digging your grave even bigger than you already have."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "what's your email address? I'll send you the first book."

"Book?" I raised my eyebrows with surprise, "is there a lot?"

She looked at me for a long moment, "well...."

"Lilac Rose." I said sternly and she winced.

"Just use Lilac, not both flowers."

I shot her a questioning look but I still wanted to know how much of this Valerie she had written about. So I turned back to stern and angry.

Lilac rolled her eyes, "well there's two for sure, then the rest is just a huge mess that I need to clean up. So there's a minimum of five books. I just need to clean up the rest of it all."

I let my mouth drop open, "and you want to freely post all of that?!"

"Well yea!" She said a little frustrated, "no one will publish it for me! So I'm going to put it all on my blog. One chapter at a time."

After clenching my mouth shut, I sighed through my nose. "You need to let me read this before you post it."

"You have a week then." She looked more angry than I felt right now. "I'm only letting you have this opportunity because I trust Jazz's judgement over my own. You have two months till I go back home to America and find someone else to turn me into Bryn Riley."

I stood up and held out my hand, "deal. Two months."

She smirked, she probably thought I couldn't do it. "Deal."

I wrote down my email address and phone number on a piece of paper she had laying around. Then I grabbed my laptop once again. "Send me the first one, I'll come up with a plan and email it to you tomorrow."

She nodded once, "good luck with that plan."

I didn't need luck. I had everything I needed already.

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