Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Lilac was talking to a guy who looked very upset, but she didn't care. She was in full flirt mode and nothing could stop her. Except maybe this guy...

"She yours?" A loud voice came from my right and I jumped. There was a rather tall guy with bright green hair all over the place. He was kind of cute, too cute. More like little brother adorable. Not really my type, but if Lilac is busy I'll waste time.

"Yep, is he yours?" I answered then looked back at my friend trying and failing to seem cute in her drunken state.

"Yep," the green haired guy leaned back against the wall I was standing next to. It was a nasty wall covered in god knows what so I have no clue why he thought that was a good idea. "He just broke up with his girlfriend of five years, so he needed a night out. That's why he looks like he's in so much pain."

I chuckled lightly, "well she just ruined her life today, that's why she's shitfaced."

He raised his eyebrows, "how'd she manage that?"

"Pissed off the wrong people," I shrugged. "She'll be okay though. She just needed this tonight. Tomorrow she's got to start her life over from scratch though. Which is going to suck."

"From scratch?"

I nodded, "pissed off some very powerful people."

He slowly nodded his head and we both watched as Lilac tried to jokingly tap his arm but ended up punching him really hard. He was very drunk too though, so he didn't seem to feel it that much. I groaned and winced.

"Is she always like this when she's drunk?" The green haired guy asked me curiously. He was wincing too.

I looked up at him with a blank expression, "I am the babysitter."

That made him break out into a smile, "I'm usually not but this is a special occasion."

I smiled, "oh no, I am all the time. She thinks I get just as drunk as her but I can't when I have to make sure we get home safely."

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked out of nowhere.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "sorry but I'm driving. But feel free to buy yourself one."

"Ah, sadly I'm driving too." He shrugged, "looks like I'll be going home with all my money still in my pocket."

"I bet those girls over there would love to spend whatever is in your pocket," I pointed to a group of girls that have been watching this green haired guy since he came over here to talk to me. They looked hungry and like they wanted to have this guy for dinner.

He chuckled and pulled out the money that was in his pocket. There was a wad of hundreds in many different currencies. American, Australian, European. It was huge!

My mouth fell open, "why are you carrying all of that in your pocket!"

He smirked and shrugged, "impresses the ladies."

I rolled my eyes and looked back over to my friend.

"I still haven't got your name yet," he said while shoving the brick of cash back into his pocket. "Must be a pretty name for a pretty American with pretty awesome hair."

I frowned and narrowed my eyes, "not American. Therefore, no name for you."

He frowned, "sorry, just the accent and-"

I held up my hand to cut him off, "no I get it. I sound American. Everyone gets that wrong."

He was silent for a bit while I watched my friend lead on his friend. The two were still trying so hard to flirt but were obviously still to upset to do anything about it. They seemed to be just filling up time at this point.

"I'm Michael, or Mike if you'd rather use that."

I sighed, he was too nice and I couldn't not be nice back. It is just who I am. "I'm Jasmine, but you could also call me Jazz."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him smile brightly. "And if you wouldn't mind me asking whe-"

"Canada," I cut him off. "Your friend is leaving."

His head snapped towards the two failing flirters. There was only one now, it was Lilac and she was dancing. Whatever his friends name is, was long gone. For a shitfaced drunk guy, he sure ran out of here quickly.

"Shit," Michael muttered, "sorry Jazz, I gotta jet." He smiled at me, "we'll continue this again some day soon." Then he ran off after his friend.

I watched my friend dancing by herself nowhere near the dance floor. She was pretty gracefull for how much alcohol was in her system. I kind of hope I never saw Michael again, he wasn't a bad person. I just wasn't interested in boys. Not Australian boys when I've only got four months here left then it's back home to good ol' Canada.

"I hate Australian," Lilac yelled at me over the music.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "You hate Australian what?"

She sighed, "I miss America." She paused and looked at me seriously so I knew not to try to speak. Drunk her loved to talk without interruptions. "'Murica."

I smiled sadly, "you want to head back to your hotel?"

She nodded, "how do we get there though? It's too far away."

"Don't worry too much about that flower, I'll get you in your bed safe and sound."

She smiled and nodded, "aye aye captain."

I laughed and grabbed her hand to drag her out of there. She came with me pretty easily. It was probably because she was off in her own dreamland somewhere and not actually paying attention to what she was doing right here and right now.

Outside of the club I started for the parking lot, still dragging Lilac behind me. She started looking up at the sky filled with stars and telling me weird facts about the constellations that she somehow knew. When you're a writer I guess you know a lot of weird things.

I heard some swearing in the distance and looked over to see a mess of green hair running over to his car and smiled to myself. Must have lost his friend.

Lilac was safe and sound with me, thank goodness. I don't know what I would do if she was one of those drunks that liked to wonder.

We got to her hotel in no time and I helped her up to her room. The same front desk guy was there like always and gave us a smile and a wave. Lilac whisper yelled, "hey front desk guy who lives in the hotel!"

It made him laugh a little as we passed him and went to the elevators.

I got her all the way into her room before she finally fell over onto the floor and I sighed. "Do you want to sleep on the floor or in your bed?"

"The tub."

"The what?"

"The bath tub. I want to sleep in the bath tub."

I sighed, "alright, well, go get in there then."

She smiled brightly and shot up from the floor. Lilac was fast when she wanted something that badly. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and met her in the bathroom to tuck her in. Tuck her into the bath tub.

This isn't that weird. It's definitely happened before.

When she was all tucked in, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I laughed. "Can you tell me a bedtime story?"

"No little flower," I yawned. "I must get home to sleep too. Text me when you wake up okay?"

"I'll just come over."

"Like you always do."

She is crazy, but predicable. Lilac Rose is my best friend.

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