Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

My best friend wasn't answering her goddamned phone. I needed her to right now or I'll freak out, and I can't freak out. I'm about to go on live television in ten minutes and in between then and now I need to speak with Elvira. She is my rock. She is the thing that calms me down in times when I'm too anxious.

Hense why I need her to answer her phone right now!

"Are you hyperventilating?" My manager asked. "Don't do that."

Great help he is. I glared at him, as if him telling me not to hyperventilate would help stop me from hyperventilating.

He's great at his job but he's a complete idiot.

Finally my phone buzzed in my hands and I sucked in a breath. Thank goodness it was Elvira. I answered right away. My manager rolled his eyes. He can suck it. If he wants me to calm down, this is how it's going to happen. Whether he likes it or not.

"Take deep breaths," Elvira's voice said from the other side of the phone. "I've got you on the TV here in the break room and you're going to go out there and give it your all like you always do and it's going to be freaking amazing!"

I laughed lightly and sighed, "you're the best."

"Nope, that's you," Elvira was so calm that it made me calm. Even over the phone. I don't understand how she does it. She has that effect on everyone, but I keep her close to me because I've known her since we were in diapers and I need her to keep me sane.

She's so normal, and I'm leading the life of a popstar. Elvira keeps my head here on the ground. Everyone needs their very own Elvira. You just can't have mine, she's mine.

Even if she is halfway across the world.

We've never been to school together and we've only seen each other three times in our whole lives. But that is going to change in the next few days, and that's what is motivating me to go out there and get this done.

"I'll text you after," I smiled to myself and hung up on her.

My manager rolled his eyes at me but I handed him my phone and waited for my que. As soon as the people who worked backstage said I could take my position at the microphone, I was filled with the jitters once again. Elvira is watching, you have to give it all you've got because she's your best friend Dee.

"Singing Must Be You, here is Dee!"

The music started, the lights came on, I opened my mouth and it was show time. All the camera's were on me, the audience danced along, I was having the time of my life.

Before I knew it, the music ended, the crowd cheered and the cameras went back to the host of the show. I was done. I survived it. Gave it everything I've got and had so much fun like I always do. Wow, I really hope this never has to end.

I grabbed my phone from the idiot as I passed him. He seemed too pleased with himself. As if he was the one who had gone out there and did that amazing performance, not me. He's probably just pleased because this means I'm getting bigger in the celebrity world. The bigger I get, the more money he gets paid.

Simple enough for him.

He's still an idiot though. Even if he does do a great job getting me to the top.

I sent a quick text to Elvira as I walked back into my dressing room. All it said was 'AAAHHHH' then I started to change back into my other clothes. After all, I wasn't going to walk out of here wearing a bright orange skirt and a crazy bright patterned shirt. Even these bright pink pumps were too much for me to wear out of here.

So I put on the light blue jeans and Star Wars t-shirt I had arrived here in with my regular black converse. I looked almost like a normal young adult now. If it wasn't for my perfect hair and makeup.

There came a knock on the door, "are you decent?"

I looked down at myself, "yea I've got clothes on."

My manager and his assistant came into the room. They both looked at me with a smile, my managers more please and his assistant with actual happiness.

"Are you heading home?" My manager asked while sitting into the seat where I had sat when I got my hair and makeup perfected before the show. "Or do you have something else in mind?"

I held myself back from rolling my eyes, "home obviously. I have to pack."

He slowly nodded his head, "good choice. No partying before London."

"I'm not stupid," I sighed and grabbed my bag from the floor beside him. "I don't even party so what's the point in telling me not to."

I didn't wait for him to say anything. I left. My body guard was waiting outside the room. Probably trying to give us some privacy even though he's heard most of our conversations, arguments, and everything you can think of. He's always there, so privacy doesn't really bother me.

"We are leaving," I said to him and he nodded and lead the way. I checked my phone again as we walked through the building. Elvira was texting me a bunch and it made me smile.

I ignored everything else. Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, everything didn't really matter to me right now. Even a text from a family member didn't matter to me at this moment. Only talking to my best friend mattered.

She was telling me all about what she had done today, since her day is already over. Mine is only half done technically. Elvira really liked to talk about her younger brothers. I thought it was adorable. Even though I've never met them, they are the cutest things in the world.

Last time I saw Elvira and her family in person was before either of them were born. So, over five years ago.

Joseph, my bodyguard, tapped me on the shoulder when we reached the back entrance to the building. There were screams and shouts bound to happen as soon as I stepped outside. I tucked my phone into my purse and handed it to him. The other security people were lining a way for me to get to the car. It was always kind of creepy when I had to do things like these.

I took a deep breath and put on my sunglasses and Joseph and I headed out into the craziness that has become my life.

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