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Chapter one

~ Chresanto pov ~ ( School )

Me: *Running down the hallway*

James: Don't run now * catches me *

Me: Please leave me alone!

James: Hell No Little Bitch *Punches me in my face*

I fell to the ground holding my mouth trying to stop the blood from coming out then him and his friends started kicking me hard in my legs stomach chest face... then after a while I felt a sharp pain in my chest and threw up blood then I herd a familiar voice say...

??: What the hell* Runs over to me * What wrong with you James!! She said glaring at him

I was me girlfriend India we have been going out for a while now I think at least 6 or 7 months... I think Ugh! I don't really give a flyin fuck she knows she don't care about me and I know that to Why don't she just leave me alone...

James: Nothing baby *Grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him* Now give big daddy a kiss

India:Hell No Get Yo Ass Of Me Nigga!*Pushes him in to the locker and trys to walk away from him*

James: Baby don't do me like that! * Grabs her hand and trys pullin her back*

India: James I don't like you and I don't want nothing to do with you EVER!!! * Gets out his grip*

James: * Grabs her again*

India:*Slaps him dead in the face* Get yo mother fucking hands of me nigga! Learn some respect !!!* walks to me and helps me up* You Okae baby?

James signals his friends to leave and the left.

As India was talking to me I didn't pay her any attention I let go of her hand and ran out the school I didn't know where I was going but anywhere but at that stupid ass school would be fine.

Little after school I found 20 dollars so I went to the store then somebody punched me in my face and I fell to the ground I looked up to see who it was and guess who...JAMES!!

James:*Walks up to me* Nobody is here to help yo ass now!!*Starts beatin me up while I'm on the ground*

I just sat my ass there as he was beatin me up maybe today will be the day I die thank Lord I don't have to annoy anybody anymore I just pray that I die right now...he continued to beat my ass then a voice say...

??:YO what you doing to little nigga over der leave him alone!!

James: Mind yah damn business!!!

Before I blacked out I seen the boys beatin James's ass I seen a guy with a Afro a guy with 2 braids and one with blonde hair and a nose piercing...Everything went black..


I was waking up and hearing voices one was familiar and the rest were not my vision was blurry

India: OMG! He looks terrible!!

??:sshh he is wakin up!!

Me: *my eyes openes and I groaned in pain*

India: Chresanto!!! *She hugged me*Your alive

Me: (mumbles) sadly

India: What? Chresanto why did you say that you should be happy that your alive

Me: Well nobody cares for me not even you India your just like everybody else you like seen me hurt just like everyone you don't care!!

India: Why would you think I didn't care?! If I didn't care I wouldn't be here right now and these boys wouldn't of never helped you *Start tearing up* Chres I do care about you I love you and you just don't under stand that!! Open your eyes! * Cries and runs out the room *

Painly in love ( Mindless behavior bully ,love ,thug stories )Where stories live. Discover now