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I thought I died and I looked up to see James on the going covered in blood and I looked over and seen Ray Ray pointing the gun in where James once was standing then he was about to fall and I tried to get up but it didn't work to much pain he fell to the ground and I laid next to him blood coming from both of us... Well me more because my wound was open.....

Me: I remember when you didn't like me...* my voice starting to disappear *

Ray: Yea me too you my bro and I had to look out for you....you did that for me! I thought you really didn't like me... * Fading voice *

Me: * Smiles weekly * small world huh?

Ray:* Chuckles lightly * yea

We both start laughing and hear police Cirens and ambulance and fire department then it went black for both of us....

~ later in the hospital ~

I wake up with blurry vision and I see my bros across the room Stitched up Prod and Prince had Been hit in the head with guns and they were woke little my vision cleared so o can see the fully...good they fine it looks like they were fight too then I hear a familiar voice.... it was India


Doctor: Who ma'am?

India: My boyfriend and his friends!!

Doctor: Calm down lady!


They Doctor bring her into the room she ran inside and gasped and hugged Ray Ray Prod Prince then Me

us: Ouch!

India: Sorry are y'all Okae?!

Us: Yea Kinda

Prince: If you call fighting and getting beat up then hit in the head fine the I'M fine...

We all laugh

India: * Years come out her eyes *

Me: It's fine baby we will be out the hospital in a few days so go home and take a shower I promise!

India: but what if yo- * GCO *

Me: I didn't die I promised I wasn't so believe me I will be home soon!

India: Y'all sure?!


Me: Yup

Prince: Uh huh

Prod: Yuppers

India: * Sighs in relief * Thank God * Kisses me on my 4head*

Me: Where are the babies?

India: My mom's house

Me:* Chuckles * Oh Well looks like I can't take them clothes shopping it will have to wait...

India: Yep!

After a while she left from the hospital and went to pick the kids up.

( India's pov )

I went to pick my kids up from my mom's house

Me: * Knock knock knock *

Mom: * Opens the door * hold on sweety

Me: Okae * closes the door *

My mom walks down stairs with baby bags both of them and both babies

Me: Thanx mom

Mom: Anytime baby.! Now how is your boyfriend and you and his friends?

Me: * Sighs * They are fine-ish

Mom: Oh I'M going to go body them tomorrow ...do you know their code?

Me: Yea...It's 2357

Mom: Thanx baby * Kisses my 4head and helps me to the car and leaves..* Bye India!

Me: Bye Mommie! I said strapping Alice in her car seat I looked at both babies and they smiles at me with No gums I could help but to smile back *

I started drivin to my house when my phone rang

Oh baby Let's get naked... just so we can make sweet love all these sensations got me going crazy for you.. inside on top of you grinding inside of you.baby I know what to baby I know what to do..I pick my phone up and it was No caller ID so I answered it

Me: Hello?

( Woman's voice ): hello I'M coming for your man Bitch!

Me: who is this?

Voice: Don't worry honey you will find out soon!!

Me: Listen here Bitch I don't know you and you don't know me! I want you to come near my family I dare you watch what will happen I will fuck you up you come near Me My Kids And My Boyfriend

Voice: HA! Your boyfriend wait till I come to L.A... * hangs up *

I look back at my kids to see if they Okae and the back there saying jibberish then they look I I smile they smile with No teeth I love my babies..

~ 7 Months later ~

Roc got out the hospital the babies are stand and crawling but not walking. Alice she isn't a Loyd baby or a cry baby she only babbles if she wants some thing and she did get a little darker she is light skinned and with long Beautiful hair and Anything is a bad loud baby he cries all the time unless his daddy around daddy's boy and mommy's girl.. haha but the kids are playing around right now and we are watching TV when there is a knock on the door

Chres: I got it baby * opens the door *

I peek over from the couch

??: Hi Chres?!* hugs him *

Chres: Jade?! * hugs her then brakes it *

Jade: I missed you Chresie!

Me: Who is it babe? * Walks over to them * Oh Hi nice to meet you! * smiles * what's your name?

She glares at me with an evil Smirk on her face

Jade: I'M Jade! Nice to finally meet you!

Chres: She is my old girlfriend from back in Cali

Me: *Looks like WTF*

She looks back at Chres and Smiles... -_- Fake Bitch!!

Painly in love ( Mindless behavior bully ,love ,thug stories )Where stories live. Discover now