oops guys but part 18

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Sorry guys I haven't updated this story ima start it like this....

@later that night@

Me: I don't want you with that bitch

Roc: There ain't nothing wrong with her...

Me:*stops talking*

Roc: Stop blaming Me for stupid shut India

Me: *Laughs alittle * How bout you sleep in the couch then....

Roc: what....

Me:*Gets up and grabs the babies* Stay downstairs in the couch and don't go any where that means Ray you can leave.. *Goes upstairs*

(A/N Yea Ray Ray is there and ima bout to end the story not now though )

Ray: Wanna come over my house then nigga

Roc: Nao I gota stay here and sleep on this couch...

Ray: There are going to be girls

Roc: I.D.G.A.F

Ray: Jade is going to be there

Roc: I'm coming

They leave while India is sleep..Right now it's 3:00 am they left a few hours ago..

Alice: *Starts crying*

I go downstairs to fix her a bottle after that I went to check on Roc..... But he wasn't there....

Me: Roc..... I know this nigga didn't leave I said don't go to his fucking house because that bitch is there .....

.I went back upstairs to my room with my crying kid and picked her you and rocked her to sleep I went to sleep right after her pissed..

This is what is going in with Roc now.

~Roc's pov~

We arrived at the house and jade was there we played seven minutes in heaven and Jade spun the bottle and it landed on Me we went to the closet.

*Inside the closet*

Jade: I know she stresses you out Roc

Me: Maybe sometimes

Jade: And those kids too *Whispers in my ear* I can be a stress releaver

Me:*Licks my lips* Don't be to loud

Prod: Times up

After a while we chilled and watched movies until Everybody feel asleep. Me and Jade left to go upstairs and we started fucking......ops 0.0

~Next Day~

India's pov...

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