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~Chresanto 's pov~

( Night Time )

I'm over Princeton Crib and they are handing something to a man then he gave him the money and he left

Me: What are y'all doin?

Prince: Ray shut up! Were selling drugs.

( Images of My Father come In my head )

Prod: you helping? You don't have to if you don't wanna

( I hugged my Dad out my head and took the drug )

~7 minutes later~

We all just chillin watching T.V then we herd gun shots

Prod:*Confused face* WTF!! ( It mean What The Fuck ) 

Ray: Damn! 

Prod: Those Gun shots were very close we gota bounce! 

Prince: Prods right y'all we should leave 

Me: The Fuck we leaving for they outside dumb asses! 

Prince: It's dangerous bro trust me those were warning fires was have to leave now 

Ray: I gota bad filling about this

( Later at Rays house )

I'm laying down and I get a text message an unknown number...Oh Yea I got a phone now I managed to get it I have a I phone 5 ....anyways. the messages say:

*Text Convo*

unknown: Hey Roc You Get My warning Shots Huh? 

Spiffy_King: Who's dis?  

Unknown: Don't worry nigga you will find out just not for a little while just know that I'm your fucking night mare Okae?! 

Spiffy_king:I don't Care Who is This!!! 

*No reply* 

Then he sent me a message of my laying down I got up and shut every window and closed all the blinds then laid down again 

Unknown: You Think Shuting the Windows will stop me from getting to you? You are stupid nigga! 

Spiffy_King: I'm not fucking stupid leave me alone nigga! 

Unknown: Your scared!! I can Tell! BUT let me tell you something I'm not going to stop messing with you I'm going to get you and your girlfriend even if that means killing all and anybody that gets in my way!!!! 

Yours truly, 


I went to sleep fast y phone vibrated while i was sleep I woke up in the morning and looked at my phone I had one from unknown and the other was about something stupid  

.the pic was of me sleeping

Me: * screamed lightly * 

Prod: what's wrong? He said rubbing his eye. 

Me: Hold on homie * checking something * 

Prod: Okae * waits for 10mins* Can I know now Nigga! 

Me: Hol' up

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