Baz disappears (part 1)

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Disclaimer:I do not own any of these characters , they belong to Rainbow Rowell . This is purely a work of fiction and is not to be copied.

P.S I hope you enjoy the story , this is just the first part and will be followed by a second. The rest of the chapters will be unrelated to the following and will have different scenarios. xoxo.

Simon's POV

"Penny !!! If you are ever planning to spell my wings now would be a great time ! "
"Hold on a minute Simon , I'm drying myself , " Penny yelled from the bathroom. We had to pick Baz up from the airport at 2 this afternoon and we're already late. He's finally coming back from a week long visit to his aunt Fiona in France. Baz and I got used to not living together ever since Penny and I got a flat here in London , but he'd come over all the time any way and sometimes spend the night.

Baz and I both kept having nightmares after leaving Watford but it was always a relief to feel Baz's arms tighten around me , his breath warm on my neck , his fingers tracing soft circles down my back.

"Come here Simon , " Penny said as she interrupted my daydream. I realized my nose was red( Baz would tease me for this all the time).

"There's nothing to see - "

"No , Penny not that one ," I realized it came out like a whine. " That way people would be running into me all day."

Penny looks at me and pouts , and then starts to giggle. She's been happy this whole week. I almost forgot Micah's coming from America today. We planned a dinner , Penny said it'd be like a double date.(I don't think Baz would be happy about that ).

"These aren't the droids you're looking for , " she said pointing her ring at me. "Come on now , we don't wanna be late to pick Baz , heaven knows he'll never shut up about it." Now its my turn to pout.

Baz's POV

I've been waiting outside the airport for almost half an hour now , I wonder what's taking Bunce so long. About a minute later I see a Volkswagen beetle (1975 cabriolet , green - lovely) slow down the drive way. It's Bunce's which I know before she even steps out 'cause I see Snow fucking jump out before the car even stops. Aleister Crowley .

He's seen me . Obviously. He trips on his way( honestly , somebody needs to tame that tail). I just stand there shaking my head , honestly its a struggle to not laugh. I wait for him to struggle his way to me , he's a sight.

"'re ," he says between breaths. He looks clean , like he just stepped out of the shower , his hair's loose and tumbling over his temples and his forehead , honestly its everywhere. I can see right into his shirt with the way he's bending , hands on knees. He licks his lips. Merlin.

"Baz , you're back from France, " he says to me.

"Were you hoping otherwise , Snow ?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"No , it's just..." I can see him struggling again. "I'm glad you're back." He smiles and he's the sun. I feel the blood rise to my cheeks.

"Hiya Baz , how was the flight ? " Bunce asks me.

"Miserable , there was a baby crying on board. I almost offered to drain it and put it out of it's misery , " I say as Bunce punches my shoulder , frowning. Simon smiles at me.

We get to Penelope and Simon's flat after leaving my bags at the dorm. We're having dinner with Bunce's American boyfriend. I'm not looking forward to it , I hate eating in front of people and honestly just wanna be left alone with Simon. You'd think a week away from Snow would be peaceful but it wasn't . I missed him so much it annoyed me.....and Fiona.(She said I talked about him in my sleep).I had to stay at her flat with her DJ boyfriend - a joke really. I don't know what she plans to do with him.

I'm sitting on Snow's bed when he enters and I just can't help it anymore . I pull him by the wrist , making him fall against the wall. I pin him there. I remember how this feels , to have Simon under me ( he's always under me , hell knows he hasn't gotten any taller since Watford).

"Baz , what's wrong? " he says looking up with a concerned look in his eyes. Crowley , I've missed these eyes. Snow's eyes are a deep blue and every time he looks at me like this , I swear they change color , it's like they're trying to say something.

"Nothing , " I say as I nuzzle his neck (he smells like cinnamon , like something I want to eat).He giggles and sort of moans that sends a chill down my spine. I feel his hands slowly working their way under my shirt , up my back. He kisses me , knocking his head into mine and then frowns , backing away. I can't help but giggle. I take his face in my hands.

Simon's POV

It feels so good to be touched by Baz . I hadn't realized how my body ached for his touch these past days. I almost forgot what he smelled like , what he felt like against my body. He kisses me slowly , taking his time. I work my way down his jeans and hold him there. He's hard and steady. Baz throws his head back and gives out a soft moan.

"Simon..." he purrs.

His voice is soft , almost like a plea. I look at him and see his eyes water , he's crying.

"Baz , what's wrong ? Are you okay ? " I ask him but he just shakes his head and moves away from me. I don't know what to do, Baz never cries. The last time I saw him cry was our last year at Watford and that one time I stabbed his toe with my tail - we were fighting.

"What is it Baz?" I don't let go of his hand , " talk to me."

He looks at me and i see that he isn't crying anymore , just that sly smile."It's nothing , I'm just tired , " he says then kisses me one last time and leaves the room.

Penelope's POV

It's already 7 in the evening and we're not ready for dinner yet , Micah's coming over at 9 . Baz just left with Simon to the uni to bring back some books and get some candles from Baz's room. I use magic to tidy up and make preparations now that Simon's just left . I know he doesn't mind , not anymore , but it feels wrong to use magic in front of Simon now that he's lost his.

I " You're all pretty ladies " the furniture and go to check on the pasta. That's when I hear the knock. Someone's banging the front door like a maniac. Nicks and Slicks , you'd think a Normal would know how to use the door bell. " Just a minute, I'll be there ! " I shout at the door. It's Simon and he's panting , he looks like he ran all the way back , his cheeks are red and his hair's wind blown. I've never seen him look this scared.

"It's Baz ! " , he shouts at me.

"He's gone ."

You called me Simon before (snowbaz oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang