Chapter 23- He caught me!

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In 50 years,people won't remember the clothes you wore,they'll remember how you made them feel. Think before you speak.


***Abby's point of view***

The bamboo gate that surrounded the hot spring suddenly opened, and Harry came into view running towards me with just a white towel hugging his hips to cover the lower part of him. "What happen, Bee?" he asked worriedly as he came rushing towards me.

"Ants, they bit me!"

He sat beside me as he caress my hurt leg. "This? Does it hurt?" He asked. And I nodded.

I'm just wearing a night gown so I can't stop Harry's hand to touch and caress my hurt leg. I feel that I'm in a dessert although it's freezing here. And any minute now I'm going insane!

Ah, Harry! You will be the death of me! What are you doing to me?

I can't even scream or talk. I'm just staring at his face and down to his naked shoulders. The image of him getting out of the hot spring wearing nothing but a towel is still playing in my mind.

I was too stunned to talk and to move that's why I let him carry me bridal style to the wooden patio that faces the garden. "Sit here. I'll just get some ointment," he said as he sped walk to get some ointment. When he returned, he open the cap of the skin ointment. "Don't move. I'll just put some ointment on your leg where the ants had bitten you."

I froze. He really is taking care of me. Harry, don't do this to me! Heaven is cursing me because I'm taking advantage on you. Ants bitten me already. Please, Don't torture me. It's too much.

"Harry, I can take care of myself. You don't need to do this."

He narrowed his eyes to me. "I said, don't move. Right?"

"I'm not moving! I just want to take care of myself."

He sat in front of me and lifted my hurt leg to his lap. "Don't make excuses, I said!" He said, as he carefully put ointment to my leg. He's really serious in doing this. His touch has a soothing effect on me. The pain easily goes away.

I'm just quiet while watching him. I watch a droplet of water trail down his body. I was aware that under that piece of towel, he was naked. I felt my throat gone dry. If I were bold enough, I'd love to trace his naked skin with my lips just like the water droplet did.

Abby, this is the first time you've seen a naked man! And yet you're thinking dirty things to him. It's amazing if Harry will agree to your fantasy.

He shake his head when some hair of him falls to his forehead. I quickly wipe it off away from his forehead. He smiled at me. "Thanks, babe!"

"It's nothing. I'm sorry. I disturb you while having a bath."

"I just got worried when you screamed. You're not supposed to take off your slippers that were provided for you, right?"

"I-it's just feels good when you're walking without some slippers."

And I can't wear slippers. My hidden agenda will be revealed. That I'm simply undressing him with my eyes without him knowing. He put my leg down then he stood up. "Next time, be careful. I don't want anything bad that will happen to you while you are on my side."

I stood up also holding his shoulders for support to keep me from falling.

"Thank you, Harry!"

I leaned forward to him so that were face to face and give him a simple peck on the lips. But as my lips touched his, his hand found it's way to the back of my head and pulled me closer to him. And there's no way out. At this point, we are kissing.

It was not a teasing kiss, it's a safe kiss that he used to give me. This one was meant to possess. His lips opened over me, coaxing me to open. He knew that I don't have any idea how to kiss. When I opened my lips, it was like opening a portal of immense sensation.

I feel like I was floating on air. But my feet weren't touching the ground and his body is the one supporting me. He lifted me up. I started to run out of breath when his lips left mine. He put me back down. But he deliberately left my body brush against his.

I felt that my whole body heated up. It was too intimate and I was not prepared for it. I didn't know what to say.

"So, tell me, Abby. What are you doing in the gate of the hot spring?"

I looked at him shocked. I don't know what to say. Does he knew that I was there? "Gate of the hot spring? I wasn't there. I'm just here walking while looking at the moon, then suddenly ants started biting me. What will I do there?" I said defensing myself.

He takea a few steps back not really buying my excuse. "You won't be bitten up by ants right here. Because near the gate of the hot spring were ants only stay."

My eyes widen and ready to bulge out of my skull. I won't tell him that I'm looking at him secretly. "Why? Do you have a list of the route of the ants here? And do they have rules that they are not allowed here and they can only stay near the bamboo wall?" I smirked.

He gave me a playful smile. He touch my hair and playfully played the tip of it with his fingers. "Bee, if you want to join me in the hot spring, you could've just told me. And don't be so shy. There is more than enough space for the two of us."

That, I can't handle anymore. He already know my secret. "Harry Edward Styles! Are you telling me that I'm looking secretly at you? That I'm looking at you while you are having a bath?"

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Wait, wait. I didn't say anything like that. I didn't say that you are looking secretly at me."

"Huh? You didn't?" I froze for a while and I avoid his gaze. "But your point is like that, right?"

Harry kept on smiling while shaking his head. "Now I know what are you doing before in the gate." He caress my cheeks. "For you not to be bitten up by the ants again, I will open the gate for you. You don't need to work hard on doing that thing," He said then walked away heading to the hot spring again.

Like he said before, he open the gate and he motion on removing the towel covering his lower part.

"Harry, wait!" I yelled at him.

"Why?" he asked, and looked at me. "Are you joining me now? Babe?" He asked and smiled at me cheekily.

I covered my innocent eyes. "For fuck's sake, Harry! Goodnight!" I yelled at him and quickly ran into my room.

I close the door of my bedroom as I got in and catch my breath coz I run pretty fast. I lean in to the door. I absentmindedly touch my lips as I slid down the door. "Harry kissed me. And it was so real!" I mumbled. "I even felt his naked body against mine. Just a little more time, and I'm like May and my friends. Maybe I wont be a virgin anymore!"

I wont allow that to happen again. Well, not until Harry told me he still loved me. But I think that's impossible. Because in the end, I knew we couldn't be together.

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