COK Chapter 7- Stop One

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The city was beautiful from afar but as we got closer the flaws and dangers really stood out. 1- there was a lot of alleys, not good. 2- there was a lot of homeless people. 3- we saw a lot of danger. As we were walking Hannah speaks up. "Ok everyone stay with your partner, we do not want to separate. And if we do separate then continue the journey, after the journey go back to AREA 32. Good luck and be safe."

We walk more, now we are in the heart of a dilapidated downtown. AREA 21 must not be government funded because its not very nice. As we are walking a notice guys starting to feel the presence of an irresistible. They look around and their eyes land on me. I hug Caleb's arm even more. His grip tightens and I hide behind his back like a child. As we are walking down a sidewalk by the road. I feel a tug of my hair then Im turned around.

There are four of them. Four nasty looking men who are in their early twenties. They put me in a neck hold and start dragging me towards an alley. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I wait for that snap so I can whoop their butts. I open my mouth to scream but one of the men put their dirty hand over my mouth. They pin me up against a wall. I kick one of them in the man part and they release their hold on me. Before I could do anything else I feel a sharp prick in my neck. I look towards the pain and see a needle in my neck. I feel woozy. Then I fall forward and they catch me in their arms.

Right before they were about to carry me off. The gang runs around the corner. Alex is the first to speak. "Leave her alone." He screams all the guys except Jeff step forward. Jeff was protecting the other girls who had shocked faces. Im not shocked, this isn't my first time. Two of the guys step forward, they have knives in their hands. The other two grab my arms. "Keep her safe." One of the men with the knives yell. The two carry me over to a wall and set me on the ground. They tie my wrists together in front of me.

The fight started. "I swear you leave her alone or we will hurt you." Caleb yells. Awe he cares about me. "It's not our fault that you brought an irresistible into our parts of town." The leader says. "Yah there ain't none irresistible's in our AREA." One of the guys holding me says. "Give her back or we can't promise that you will not be harmed." Zach says. "You's just a group of kids, not a thing you can do bout it." The other person by the leader says. Then Im lifted to my feet. One of the guys holding me pulls out something and I feel a cold piece of metal touching my temple. I look down and see a knife. "I wouldn't risk the life of your friend here, so just be on your way." All of the boys take a step forward. "You wouldn't just kill her, she's an irresistible. A once in a lifetime chance. I know you won't hurt her." Caleb says. They all take ANOTHER step forward. "Try us." The leader says. Then I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I look down and see that they stabbed me in the stomach. Then they drop me on the ground like a doll. Caleb's face turns red and he runs forward.

~Caleb's POV~

I warned them and now they are going to pay. We are only on stop one and Cally has already been threatened an hurt, this is going to be a long journey. They hurt her, they hurt my Cally. MY CALLY! I use my mind and make one of them by the leader see all black. He's practically blind. "Give my sight back you freak." He yells stumbling around like he's drunk.

Then Brayden uses his courage to take on a guy by Cally. He punches him in the gut and kicks him in the man parts. I see Cally, lying on the ground. Her shirt is soaked red with blood. "Jeff I need you to heal Cally, she's hurt." I scream as I kick the drunk like dude in the chest. He flies backwards and hits his head on the wall. Then he stops moving. "JEFF HELP CALLY NOW." I scream louder. Jeff says something to the girls then runs over to Cally.

During Brayden's fight you can tell he is losing. The man punches Brayden across the face and he falls to the ground. Hannah screams and runs over to Brayden. As she does the guy slaps her hard and she falls by Brayden. Zach then springs into action. He clenched his fist. All the bad guys start to howl in pain. They curl up into balls. Me and Alex take that time to kick each one in the head so they go still. "Don't you dare hurt the girls." Zach says through clenched teeth. "Zach it's over stop it now." I yell. Elle walks over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Zach please stop." She says. Then again like magic he stops.

We all take a second to recover then all of our attention is on Cally. We runs towards her. "Jeff did you heal her?" I ask worried. "I did but she lost a lot of blood. Im afraid she might not wake up."

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