COK Chapter 13- Stop Two

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The train stops abruptly causing us to slide forward awakening from our sleep. "Ouch!" Alex yells sitting up. Slowly we all stand cautiously not knowing if the train while move on. It doesn't so I stand all the way. Caleb puts his ear to the door. "Caleb what do you hear?" Brayden asks. Caleb puts his finger up to his lips signaling for us to be quiet.

"There's a guard. He says he's searching the train" We all freeze. "I knew the government would go searching for us! What are we going to do?" Elle asks panicking. "We run." Caleb says. We hear the footsteps that stop in front of the door. I hold my breath. The door swings open revealing two guards in the royal blue uniform. "Oui! These are the kids!" "NOW!" Brayden screams. We jump up and start running out the door. I can hear my heart beat in my ears. There's screaming behind me. I turn my head. "KEEP GOING!" Alex yells. We run a mile I presume.

I start to gradually slow down then we all stop. I lean down and try to catch my breath. "Is everyone ok?" Zach asks. I look around, we're all ok but tired. "WAIT! WHERE'S ELLE?" Erin asks. Was the screaming back there Elle's? "I think we lost her.." Brayden says. I look over at Alex but I can't read his face. He really liked her. "We have to keep moving." Caleb says starting to walk. "Caleb we're down two people, we have to go back for her." Hannah says.

"No time, the government is after us. We have little time. I don't know how many more stops there are but we need to keep moving as fast as possible." I know we should and I agree with Caleb but this I getting harder. I jog up to Caleb and the group slowly marches along the train tracks. All I see is a few trees once and awhile and prairie grass. The weather sure is warmer.

Caleb grabs my hand and I hold his. "Caleb. What do you think they're going to do to Elle?" I ask. He sighs not wanting to talk about that subject. "They'll probably keep her downtown and ask where we are. She better not peach or I swear." His tone rises and i give his hand a slight squeeze reminding him that I'm here. "I'm sure shell be alright. They can't legally hurt her cause she's not an adult yet." Yup Elle is a few months younger then me so we are still labeled as 'kids'.

We continue walking down the middle of the track. The sound of crunching as our feet walk over the hot gravel. A drop of sweat runs down my neck and I feel a tad dizzy from the heat. AREA 32 is popular for its winters. My mind starts to wonder... I always think about signing. I always dreamed of a guy that liked me for me and not for the irresistible part. And I found Caleb. I truly love him, he's so sweet. We mentioned it a few times but never stayed on it. "Caleb?" I say sweetly. "Hmm." He says. Our hands still together. " when we get back. Would you ever consider signing?" I ask. He's quiet for a few seconds. "Of course I would once my life was back to normal or better." I nod in agreement. You wouldn't want to sign if you were in a bad situation.

"Who would you sign with?" I ask in a weird tone. He smirks. "Who else?" He says. I turn my head to face him and I'm suddenly being embraced by him. His muscular arms around my tiny frame is rather comforting. He pulls his head back and stares into my eyes then I watch his gaze lower to my lips. I smile quickly and lean forward. Our lips connect and a spark happens. We continue kissing very passionately I might add.

"Yo love birds!! Check this out!" Zach yells. We disconnect and smile at each other. We were meant to be. The immune and the irresistible, how cliche! He keeps his left arm around my waist as we walk toward the group who is staring at something. "What is it?" Caleb asks. "It's a water tower." Erin answers. "Cool! What AREA are we in?" I ask. "Gang welcome to AREA 28!!" Alex says!

Oh great. The country AREA.

(AN: if u don't know what states I'm talking about the area number is the state. Like area 32 is Minnesota cause its the 32nd state! Just a hint!)

"Do you think there are warnings for us here?" Erin asked a little spooked about the events that just happened. "I doubt it but there will be soon. The guards back there will report and turn in Elle. For now we need to find shelter and food." Alex says. We all scan the area we are in. Nothing in sight. "Lets keep walking." Brayden says. I walk side by side to Caleb again, our hands connected. I wonder where Elle is. It's been maybe four hours.

~Elle's POV~

"I'm not telling you anything." I say. I can't believe I got caught!! It all happened so quickly I forgot to move. The guards drove me to their station thirty minutes away. Then after they called in a small plane came and now we are flying back to AREA 32 where I will be questioned and brought to court. We all made a promise in the group never to peach no matter what. The guard is trying to get me answer but I'm stubborn.

"We'll be descending soon." The pilot says. I look out the window and sure enough the runaway is getting closer and closer. We land and walk up the path to the airport. Cameras are everything blinding me by the flashes. Four guards are around me leading me through the paparazzi. A police car is outside and we ride down to the AREA32 station. I'm in a questioning room with one way glass. I'm sitting in a metal chair at a metal table. Just like the movies accept I'm not a blood thirsty serial killer, just a seventeen year old trying to find herself. A woman in a tight navy blue suit comes in. Her blonde hair put tightly up into a bun no strands sticking out. A small waist and black heels. Her lips curved into a frown, a tight looking face.

"Miss Remde lets make this as easy as possible." She says. Her voice hard and cold. "I don't like having enemies. So lets be friends. My name is Merrill Buns." I start laughing I mean who wouldn't at a poor person cursed with that last name. Her eyebrows twitch like shes sick of people laughing at it. I immediately stop laughing and stare down at my hands. "Sweetie just tell us where they are." I look up at her. "I don't know. They left and we didn't really have a plan. We usually wing it." She rubs her forehead. After a few seconds of awkward silence. "Did you get the package and give it to Jeff's family?" I ask. Her expression softens. "Yes they did. We had a televised memorial. Thank you. They appreciate the fact that you informed them." Yesh she's talking proper. "How many are in the group now?" She asks.

"Well with me here there are eight left. They're going to finish this journey if it kills them." I say trying to stop the chase and let them down. She looks at me with pain in her eyes. "I know. That's what scares me."  


Hey readers! OMG ITS BEEN FORERVE SINCE I LAST UPDATED!!! so sorry for the short filler chapter! Thanks on 700 reads! Lets get 1000! Ok so elle if your reading this, no you are no out of the book. I will switch to her POV once and awhile to see how the police are doing on tracking them! Sorry I haven't updating at all. I kinda got in a depressed writers block, but now I'm back! ily all;*

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