COK Chapter 2- Council

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~Cally's POV~

They had to do tests to make sure I was ok then I was allowed to have Micayla visit me. I am siting on an examining table. "Hey how are you feeling?" She asks and sits next to me. "I feel fine." I say. "What happened to you back there?" She says. "I..I don't know." I say. What did happen to me. "Does your wrist hurt?" She asks. I look at her confused. "Before you passed out you were holding your wrist screaming." There now that makes sense. I lift my wrist to show her. On my wrist right below the hand joins the arm is the symbol. It is a key and on the long part is a stretched out W which stands for Worthy. "Wow." Micayla says.

"What do you think your purpose is?" She asks. I seriously don't know but I just unlocked it. "Maybe it's violence?" She says. No, that can't be it. I won't be an outcast. There is A LOT of violence in our city. Im not allowed to walk around alone because I am a vulnerable irresistible.

"We have to go to City of Keys."

I say not making eye contact. I have to find out my purpose. I know I am meant I be so many things, I just don't know yet. "I can't go, I am not worthy." Micayla says. I forgot she hasn't gotten the mark yet. "We have to show this to the council." I say. "They will help us."

The council is fifty people, one for each area (state). Those people are called the high council. Then there are nineteen small council numbers in each area, so all together twenty council people in one area. Me and Micayla go to the council house. The place is HUGE! The ceilings are high with grand chandeliers. We walk up to the front desk. Oh great it's a guy working. You can tell he feels the presence of an irresistible because he starts smiling and scanning the room for me. Then his eyes land on me and a creepy smirk stretched across his face.

"Hello there, what can I help you with." He says. I read his name tag it's says Levi. Im just standing there so Micayla answers his question. "She got her worthy symbol and wishes to speak with the council." She says. "Oh I can do that. Please go over to the other counter and fill out the paperwork." Micayla nods then walks with me. I've had my head down the entire time. Because the most irresistible part of me, is my gray eyes. At the counter Micayla is filling out a TON of paperwork. "Hey Kayla Im going to go to the bathroom." I say. She nods and I leave.

I go down a hallway and do my business. Then as I come out of the hallway I hear a noise. "Whose there?" I hear it again. "Answer me or I will scream." I threaten. Then a large hand covers my face, and the other grabs both my wrists. He faces me towards him. I look up and see none other then Levi. "Hi there beautiful. Please show me those gorgeous eyes everyone says you have." He grabs my chin and lifts it up. I clench my eyes shut. "Open them or I I will have to pry them open and that would be painful." I keep them close. "Cally where are you?" I hear Micayla scream. I open my eyes searching for her but when I do open my eyes. Im face to face with Levi. "Oh they are even more Stunning then they said. Come now let's go somewhere more private." He starts to move with me in his arms. Then I feel that snap again. I bite down on his hand that is over my mouth. He gives a little yelp and let's go. I smash my elbows against his chest. He lets go of me. I put my hands up in a fighting position. "Oh little miss princess has anger issues." Levi mocks me. I pounce on him and kick him over and over, then right before he falls to the floor I kiss my fingers and smack it against his lips. Down he goes. Micaylas comes running in. "Oh gosh did he see your eyes?" She ask. I simply nod then look at the passed out Levi on the floor feeling proud of myself.

"A miss Cally Mack, please enter the council room." The officials say over the loud speaker. I take a deep breath, and grab Micaylas hand.

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