COK Chapter 15- Relationship's?

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"First what's your name?" I ask. He smirks. "The names Jared. How bout you cutie?" I roll my eyes. Jeez Jared is such a sexy name. Now I know what guys feel when they see me. How do they control it? Oh wait that's right, they don't. Yet I'm standing here today a proud Virgin. "Cally." I say. He smiles bigger. "That's incredibly sexy." I blush a little. "So you want to join our group?" I ask. He nods. "I used to live downtown but moved Here to get away from crazies. I lived with my grandma who owns Midges but she passed away now Mrs. Welch runs it, I hate her."

I laugh. He looks at me the continues. "One day i was working at the store and knocked over a shelf it was about to land on a customer. I closed my eyes and somehow moved the shelf. I blacked out and became worthy. I thought my power was so cool. But what the heck what I use it for? I knew I had to go to the City of Keys. I just have to know Cally!! So I asked the council and they declined my offer. Then I heard your story of how you got declined because your an irresistible but you didn't listen. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. So I was planning in running away but fate let me meet you instead."

He finished and look at me. "Hmm I say your in. But there are rules." He looks at me with intentive eyes. "First one, no peaching! Second stay with the group. Third get along with the others. And fourth don't fall for me. I have a boyfriend." He smiles at that. "I don't think I can follow that last rule. I mean he's your boyfriend not your signing partner. So it's not illegal." He winks at me and I blush. No I can't let him control my feelings I love Caleb, right? Ugh I wish the government didn't control us this way. Why are there irresistible's? I mean in school we learn that the government is powerful and flawless. If that's true why would they program irresistible's? Another topic for another day now I just have to control myself around Jared. This is going to be hard.

"So any items from home you need to grab? Before you leave your old life?" He smirks. "Yah back at my place. Come on." He starts walking and I diligently follow at a safe distance of five feet. We walk to where buildings are and enter a red brick one. We walk up a flight of stairs and he stops at door number 32 and pulls out a key. I watch him enter. I stand by the doorway. If I get any closer my 'urge' will take over. It's dangerous to be alone in a room with an irresistible. Your brain doesn't think straight and the next minute your in bed, if you know what I mean. He grabs a bag and starts putting clothes in it, he looks at me. "Don't be shy come in gorgeous." I shake my head politely. He walks forward and grabs my wrist. I shiver at his touch, it feels amazing. I see what I'm doing and take my hand away. He smirks and some how knows what I'm thinking. He continues packing and every once and awhile he looks over at me.

His apartment isn't as nice as ours back home but it's livable. A queen bed, single kitchen, desk, and bathroom. We aren't allowed to have TV's because they interrupt our studies. That's complete BS. No one watches TV anymore, they are on their phones. You have to earn it though. You have to have a certain grade point average and keep it above or matching with the requirement. Studies are very important to us. When you turn eighteen you take a test determining what you will do. If you score low then you are assigned a job that has low pay. If you score high you can get into a university but they chose the major.  They basically have your entire life planned out. I'm glad I left right now I would be in a tutor cubicle. They don't have classrooms anymore because other people's presences can be distracting. There are small white enclosed sound proof cubicles. One chair and a laptop on a desk. You come in, sit, and do independent studies for seven hours straight with lunch. Like I said VERY strict on education.

My thoughts are interrupted when Jared shakes me out of my imagination. "So I'm done. How long does it take to get back to where ever your staying?" "Oh um ten minutes? Perhaps more." He smiles. "We have time." He starts approaching me and I start backing up. My back hits the wall and I'm trapped. "Jared don't do something you'll regret." I say scared yet excited, but mostly scared. "Cally this isn't my first time." He says proudly tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "really?" I ask. He laughs. "Of course not girls practically beg me too. Why are you so scared. It's not like this is your first time." He reads my face. "Oh my gosh! You haven't done it yet!!" He says surprised. "Why would I, it's against the law in AREA 32 to do it before signing. "It's not illegal here." he says I turn to reply. He smashes his lips against mine. I stand shocked and try to push him away but I'm very small and very weak. My attempts fail. He continues passionately kissing me. After a few seconds my brain goes numb and all I want to do is kiss him back, which I do. My hands go around his neck and I'm basically on my tiptoes. His arms around my waist.

(gross part) We start getting in rhythm and continue kissing. His lips taste delicious, ok that sounds weird. My mind won't let me think all that it's saying is I want more. Eventually I need to breathe. We stop and look at eachother. "Damn your a good kisser." He says. I smile and try to catch my breath. "We should head out." I say taking my hands back and putting them at my sides. He smirks. "you now you liked it. I bet you don't feel that feeling when you kiss your boyfriend." He's right. Caleb's kisses were nice but I didn't feel anything in them. When I just kissed Jared there were sparks and lightening and I felt comfort in his arms. I say nothing and just start walking out. He follows and locks his door. We start the long walk back. I lead and try to stay in front of him so he can't see me blushing. After what seems like forever the barn approaches I silently say thanks and walk through the entrance. Some of the group is sitting on the hay playing tic tac toe in the dirt. I look up and see Alex, Brayden, Alex, and Caleb in the rafters. They hooked up a rope to a beam and are swinging into some hay.

They all look at me and Jared. They stand up and start walking over. "Guys this is Jared. He'll be joining us. He's an irresistible and is worthy." I look around and the girls are love struck and staring at him. I roll my eyes, like that would ever happen. "Don't ask why he's joining us, just go with it. Also I told him the rules and he understands that we will finish this journey no matter what." The guys all nod and start talking with Jared. I go over to the group of girls. "I want him." erin says staring at his face. I laugh and she looks at me madly. "What you think he wouldn't ever like me?" I shake my head. "No it's just don't you all have boyfriends?' I ask. "I don't... remember. He died because of you." She says angry and sad. "Please just let me try with Jared." I shake my head. "I don't want you getting hurt. Irresistible's are known for being players." Which is true. I've heard about irresistible guys but never met one. I heard that they usual go girl crazy and do 'it' all the time. They are total players and only hook up with a girl for one night or two. I don't want my friend getting crushed. "If they're known for players then how are you so calm?" Kaitlin asks. "Your both irresistible's I'm surprised your not making out right now. It must be difficult for you two." I nod. "But of course then you would be cheating on your BOYFRIEND!" She's making me feel guilty. "Just drop it Kaitlin it's hard to think at the moment. "Hey Erin what about Alex? he's single!" Hannah says changing the topic for my sake. Erin thinks for a second.

" I could try but he's still getting over the fact his future signing partner is in jail. I don't want to do that to Elle. I guess the perfect guy for me isn't any of these. But I bet when mine does come he'll be a looker!" We all laugh. It feels good to laugh. I look over and see the guys talking to Jared but he's staring at me and smirks his ADORABLE smirk. My cheeks grow hot and I turn my attention back to the girls. "I think we should go to bed." Someone says. True I am exhausted. Caleb brought back the food and everyone ate. I lie down in the hay and Caleb lays down by me and smiles. I can't break his heart. I love him like a bestfriend but the magic is gone. How am I supposed to tell him that? I fake smile and close my eyes.


All I could dream about is me and Jared's kiss. But then Caleb watches us and starts crying. He runs off and falls down. I run over to him but he's not breathing. My Caleb died of heart break. I look at Jared with tears in my eyes. He smiles and picks me up. "Why so sad no more complications. We can be together. Don't you want that?" I nod and follow back to his apartment.

~End of dream~

How can I be so cruel? I quietly stand up and walk outside. The sky is filled with stars. AREA 32 is a city so there aren't many stars. I stare in awe. "They're beautiful aren't they?" I hear a voice say. I turn around and see Jared standing against the barn wall. 'Of course not as beautiful as you." I breathe heavily. "Jared I want to be with you. I REALLY do, but I just can't do that to Caleb. Please understand." He walks up to me and puts his arms around my waist. He lays his chin against my head. "Cally I can't control myself. So I guess there's only one solution." He says. "What?" I ask. "We keep it a secret."  


WOW WOW WOW!! What's up with this Jared? Who will Cally pick? Comment TEAM JARED vs. TEAM CALEB!!!!! Stay tuned for this mind boggling twist!!!! ily:*

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