COK Chapter 14- Small Town

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~Cally's POV~

I wake up in a pile of hay with Caleb's arm around me. I sit up quietly not to wake him. Where am I? What happened? Last nights memories come back. We kept walking forever and came up to a small empty run down barn. We were all so tired we fell asleep right away on the hay.

I get up and walk around outside needing to stretch my legs. Around the back of the barn is an old iron pump. I wonder if it stills works. I push up and down about six times and water pours out. I get on my knees and guzzle(yes guzzle) the water. I'm so thirsty! I cup my hands and splash some water on my hot face. It's cool and refreshing. I look around expecting to see nothing which I do but I see a blotch in the distance. Possibly a small town. Ill have to get some of the gang and check it out.

I go back in and mostly everyone is up. "There's a pump out back that has cold drinkable water." I say immediately everyone dashes out to get their fill. Caleb stands up and walks over to me. He embraces me and sets his chin on my head. I hug him back and lay my head on his shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asks rubbing my back. "Yah I'm fine." "Your lying. Now tell me what's on your mind." I sigh. "Caleb I'm scared. What are we supposed to do next? We're just a group of kids running from the cops. And when we do get to The City of Keys, what next? We go back and spend the rest of our life as outcasts or in jail."  He kisses my head. "Whatever does happen we'll be together."

"Eww can you not in front of us single people please." I look over and Erin is standing with her arms crossed. I smile and walk up to her. "I love you Er!" She smiles, "I know! I just like it when you tell me." I laugh. Me Erin and Hannah have gotten incredibly close. After the alley fight Kaitlin's become a bit quiet. I have my group of girlfriends and my boyfriend. Life is better on the run then it was before.

After a few minutes everyone comes back refreshed. I stand in front of them about to speak. "I'm starving can we get food?" Alex says loudly. I laugh. "Actually I was about to tell you guys. I saw a small town maybe a mile away. Anyone want to come?" Alex, Caleb, and Hannah raise their hands. We start the trek in the sun. Me and Caleb side by side of course. This might sound cliché but this boy is a like a drug to me, wait no that sounds wrong. I need him like we need air to breathe. There that's better. Alex and Hannah aren't a couple cause they both have their lovers. But they're like brother and sister I swear it's creepy. They think a like, are kind, annoying at some points but you just love them to death, and adorable as heck. After a while Hannah jumped on Alex's back and I jump on Caleb's.

It turns into a race and in the end we won. We get closer, the speck is now a small town. Not super small but like adorable towns by lakes. "Guys what's the cover up? Cause usually in small towns everyone knows everyone." Alex puffs out his chest. "I got this. Follow my lead." The town is not old western. There are cracked paved roads, buildings, sidewalks, power lines. We get on a side walk. It's a very quiet place. One or two people there and some over there. We start walking around until something catches my eyes, a gas station. I walk in and the others wait outside. An acne filled teen is at the register. His face lights up when he sees me, of course. "Ha..ow can I hel.p you?" you asks in a squeaky crackly voice. "Where can I get groceries?" I ask. "Um there's a small store called Midge's. It has food." I smile and he grins. "Have a great day and thanks!" I say blowing him a kiss. He looks like he melted. I turn and walk out the door with an extra swing in my hips, knowing he's watching.

I like to do that with some guys that have 0% chance cause I feel bad for them. Caleb sees me coming and they stand up. "There's a store called Midge's. About a block away." "Anyone got cash?" Alex asks. Oh shoot I forgot my money at the barn. "I never told you guys this but I'm a master thief." Caleb says cracking his knuckles. I laugh at my boyfriend trying to look tough. "Sweetie. You don't need to show off for me. I love you for you." He blushes and grins. "Ok I've never stole a penny in my life." "Shocker I thought you were a bad boy." Hannah says. "Nah I'm a softie. Especially when it comes to my girl." I know he's talking about me. I love his nicknames. He's so cheesy but I love it. "I love you to baby." I say. I stand on my tiptoes and peck his lips softly.

"You guys are so gross!" Hannah says. Alex is covering his eyes. "It burns!" I laugh and punch him in the arm. We start walking toward Midge's. We walk through the empty parking lot in front of the store. We walk in. It looks like a mini version of cub. There was almost everything. From plastic toys, flimsy fabric clothes, cheesy magazines, and stale gum. I grab a loaf of bread, some peanut butter and jelly, ham, and a variety chip bag. I check the newspapers, no pictures or news on us. Now the hard part, stealing the stuff. We split up and took different things. There was only an older woman reading a magazine at the check out counter. I was in charge of the peanut butter and jelly. I look down at my outfit. Faded denim short shorts, a white cami, and a thin orange hoodie, with grey TOMS. My legs have gotten very tan might I add proudly.

I hid them in my sweatshirt which is a complete fail. I look down and zip up. Then as I turn around I run into a boy who looks our age or younger. I stand in shock. I didn't see him in the store, where did he come from? He's wearing a green apron that says Midge's, he's an employee? "Wow nice job hiding that peanut butter and jelly." He laughs. I look up at his face. He has pitch black hair and grey eyes like mine. But his are more of a silver. They're gorgeous. I can't help but stare at this boy. His face is so chiseled and he's very handsome. No that doesn't describe him. He's perfection. I think my mouth is hanging open and his is too. How is he so perfe?..he's an irresistible. I can feel an urge, he has to be. He stares at me too the same way other guys do when they see an irresistible.

"What's an irresistible like you doing here?" He asks. "I was about to ask you the same question." He chuckles softly. "I can tell your not from around here. Not a lot of people visit for fun. And they do not steal." He stares at me more. "Hey your the irresistible missing from AREA 32 right?" Great he guessed right away. "yes, please don't turn us in." I beg. "I won't. If you let me join." What? Join? Like the journey? He can see the look of confusion on my face. "Don't worry I'm worthy." He turns his left wrist and sure enough the symbol is there. The old lady looks up at us. "Lets talk somewhere more private." He says. I nod. "Oh and by the way. Keep the food that you and your three friends over there are stealing, no charge." I smile and follow him. He takes off his apron revealing a purple v neck shirt revealing his perfect body. He's wearing grey shorts and hemp sandals. He notices me staring and he's staring at me. "Wait here a minute." I say then go outside.

I see my friends standing in a huddle. I jog into the group. "Here's the food. I'll met with you guys later." They nod. "Ok be safe and don't get kidnapped." Caleb says kissing my cheek. "I won't!" They grab my part of food and start walking back once they're a block away I walk back over to the guy. "talk to me." I say.

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