(32)My best friend is a vampire slayer...Did I mention I'm a vampire?

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Chapter 32:

The memories came back quickly. Stella, my little sister, had been kidnapped by the vampire slayers. They killed my parents then left. I've never been to Hawaii let alone lived there. I'd been told Josh had been killed with my parents, so you can imagine my surprise when I found out he was alive. Even if I hadn't remembered anything else, I remembered I had a brother. How in the world did she end up with Tyler and his family? Well, I told Josh about my discoveries, and he believed me. We were sent back to Italy with Stella of course, who never leaves my side now. Josh, he's sort of... distant. And Tyler, he came with us, but as mine and Stella's bodyguard. I'm getting ready for a banquet I'm required to attend. AND I have to wear a dress... Yuck. I'm wearing a lavender dress with a tight bodice. It's really long and simple but elegant. Guess what? I have to wear heels. Double yuck. Stella is dressed similarly, except without heels. She's only four. It's been tense between me and Tyler. He will only talk to me when I'm needed by royalty. What happened to the Tyler I knew.... And love?

"Princess?" Another thing, he only calls me and Stella 'Princess', "Are you ready?"

"Sure," I walk out of the room, Stella's hand in mine. For a moment I see sadness flicker in Tyler's eyes. I keep my head held high and walk through the luxurious hall to the ballroom. Guards walk on all sides of us but stop once we reach the room. Only Tyler follows me. I find Josh and sit down next to him, helping Stella into her chair. I told her to not talk to Tyler in public, though she cries over him every night. He really was a big brother to her. It breaks my heart to see her like that. Our table is, of course, in the front of the room. Everybody watches us. Josh is still ignoring me, and looks down at the table. A girl my age with blonde hair, and stunning green eyes sits down across from me. She seems sort of familiar, and her eyes... well they remind me of Damien.

"Oh my god! Cara!" I realize she's talking to me.

"Who's Cara?"

She looks confused, "You."

"I'm Carly."

"Oh god! I'm sorry! I forgot they wiped your memory. When I knew you, you went by Cara."

"I did?" Who is this girl? "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you exactly?"

"I'm Gemma, we were best friends before... well you know. The accident."

I nod and slowly remember the many sleepovers we had together, "I remember you."

She's practically grinning, "Do you remember Kat?"

"Um... no."

Gemma points over to a table next to ours, "See the blonde boy?" I nod again, "That's Kat." The boy realizes we're looking at him and smiles at me. He's really, really cute. I bite my lip and look around the room. Tyler is glaring at Kat. I laugh, it feels so good.

"Who's that?" Gemma asks nodding towards Tyler. I roll my eyes.


"He's hot."


"You know him?"



"Sort of... It's just really I don't know. Complicated?"

"I understand completely. Geez, if looks could kill... I mean he's like glaring daggers at Kat. And he seems so protective of you."

I sigh, "Yeah..."

"Is that all you say Cara- I mean Carly?"

"Maybe," then I laugh, "No I've just got serious guy trouble." I know Tyler heard this. He looks over at me and our eyes meet. He looks away quickly though. I shake my head. Stella is playing with a newfound playmate.

"You know Kat was your boyfriend?"

"Excuse me?"

"Kat was your boyfriend. Before you left." Oh goody. Another boy I have to worry about, "He's like still in love with you."

I stare at Kat. He jokes around with his friends who are also very, very cute. The banquet begins finally, and the room becomes silent

My best friend is a vampire slayer... Did I mention I'm a vampire?Where stories live. Discover now