C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 1̶

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I don't own anything but Regina and her plot.

Laughing Regina entered the warehouse on the side of The Joker. It consisted full of wealthy people. The Joker started shouting and shooting in the air. "Batsy Batsy Batsy, please just reveal who you are. It will be so much easier, that way my sister won't have to call her pets or use her powers." The crowd stayed silent as they watched the two villains. The Joker nodded towards his sister and took a step back. Regina took her dragon necklace off and started to whisper something in Latin.

"Draco meus venire"

As she said the words, the necklace started to turn into an actual dragon. The whole crowd cowered back in fear. The dragon started to fly around the place and burn all the walls. Regina spread her arms and started to whisper in Latin again.


Suddenly the front row caught on fire. Everybody started screaming and panicking. The Joker decided that she had created enough chaos and turned to his sister. Regina nodded and put her arms down.

"Habitum" Her dragon turned back into a necklace and she put it back on. Together they walked through the flames to the purple Lamborghini. In the car, Harley sat waiting with a tired and angry face. "Finally, can we continue family night now?" They both nodded and drove away. Suddenly a black sleek car appeared behind them and started to chase them. "Look Batsy decided to show." Regina didn't process what was going on. She was extremely tired from using her powers all day and was on the verge of passing out. Before she passed out she saw the car flying towards the water.

 Before she passed out she saw the car flying towards the water

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(Regina's outfit in the memory)


Staring at the prison wall, Regina relived her memories. She was captured in Belle Reve for almost eighteen months now and she absolutely hated it. All the male guards had tried to seduce her, but only one guard actually tried to harass her. His name was Griggs, and he was the first one that she'll kill if she ever got out.

"Hey Ignis, you still alive in there?" She heard the raspy voice of Floyd 'Deadshot' Lawton say. Their cells had been next to each other, so they became friends, sort of. "No I'm dead, Are you?" Floyd started laughing and nodded his head, even though he knew she couldn't see him. "Only because of you beautiful." Regina shook her head while hiding her smile. "You don't even know what I look like. I could be hideous." "You're not, I just know you're a pretty little girl." Regina smiled at her wall but dropped the smile when she heard the buzzer. It announces when someone is coming in the cellblock.

The room started to fill with guards, she recognized one as Griggs and immediately stood up. "You've got some mail, Babygirl." Disgusted by the nickname she took the letter through her cell door. "Don't you dare disrespect this beautiful girl. She's out of your league and definitely too young for you. You stupid white fucker." Regina started to laugh so hard that the whole cellblock could hear it. It mesmerized every man in the cellblock and made them stop with what they were doing just to stare at her in awe. Griggs turned to Floyd and opened his cell door. He took the taser and continued to tase him for a while. Regina started to scream out of anger after hearing Floyd screams of agony. 

She was going to kill guard Griggs.


'Draco meus venire' means 'Come my dragon'.

'Ignis' means 'Fire'.

'Habitum' means 'Disguise'.

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