C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 3̶

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I don't own anything but Regina and her plot.

Regina Ignis Napier

Address unknown 

Land unknown

Carefully Regina opened the letter, she could recognize that handwriting from everywhere. It was from her brother The Joker. She took a deep breath and started reading.

"My dear sister, I miss you. There I said it. I don't know where you are, but I know that Harley is in there with you. So, my dear sister, I'm coming for you. And I really, really wanna deny it, but I need you. I need you to comfort me when I feel confused. I need you to protect me from the voices. I need you to keep me insane, and last but not least. I need your love. So huddle up, cause I'm coming to save your sweet little ass."

The paper was covered in tear stains. Her brother was a conflicted man, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't love him. Cause he is her only family, but she wouldn't want it any different. He hardly ever cries, but if he does, shit's down.

Regina sighed at the sweet and caressing words of her brother and folded the letter. She put it under the steel bed and sat back on the ground. "Floyd, you alright?" She heard him grunting for a few seconds and could feel a vibration through the wal. "Yes, I'll be fine if I just rest for a couple of hours." Regina sighed guilty and leaned against the wall. "I'm sorry Floyd. But why do you stand up for me? You know I can do it myself, and it will only get you hurt. I can't have that." "Because you're like a daughter  to me, and I protect my family." Floyd blurted out.

"Thanks, Lawton."

"No thanks, Napier."


For the past days, it has been quiet in the prison. The guards were as ruthless as always, but somehow Regina couldn't help but feel as if everything is about to change. After having guard Griggs all over her and trying to rape her, she just stared blankly at the wall. Trying to figure out what's going to happen next.

The buzzer goes off in the distance. Preparing herself for another round of Griggs' stupidness, she turned around and faced the celldoors. "Hang on, little one. I'll make sure he won't touch you." Taking a deep breath, she tried to hang on Floyd's encouraging words.

"Hey sweet cheeks, you're required by two visitors. Lawton you too." The guards raced into their cells cuffed them and knocked them out. They dragged them outside to a dark skinned womand.


When Regina woke up, she had a massive headache. Groaning she opend her eyes to see three people standing, and a lot of guards. Carefully she observed the people. It was Amanda Waller, a dark-skinned man, and a standard looking soldier. He was kinda cute tho. The dark-skinned man got uncuffed and turned towards her.

"You alright, little one?"

It was Floyd. She nodded and gave him a light smile. Floyd walked towards her and picked her up from the ground, hugging her body close to him.

"Uncuff her", the soldier said.

The guards looked doubting but uncuffed Regina. Regina rubbed her wrist and ran back to Floyd. Hugging him close to her, she felt safe. Just like she used to in the arms of her father.

"Dont worry, you're going to be ok. I'll make sure you'll get out of here and can get back to your brother."



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