C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 1̶1̶

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When the group was walking Harley suddely smashed a store window. She picked up a bag from the etalage and turned around. "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people?" Rick shouted furiously.

"We're bad guys, it's what we do." Harley said while strutting away. The rest of the group continued while Regina stared at her reflection in the window. She hated to be reminded of the day she became this person. She decided she needed something knew. So after picturing her old self for a second, her reflection instanly became the thought.

Rick stopped walking when he noticed she was still behind and the group followed

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Rick stopped walking when he noticed she was still behind and the group followed. When he saw the new Regina he was suprised at her beauty. Regina looked more alive. Shrugging away all the stares Regina passed the group and walked next to Harley. "Like the hair, Gina." Regina smiled in response and got lost in thoughts again.


Griggs was taken by the goons of the Joker, again. Panicking when he saw the room he was in he started yelling. "I didn't do anything, this is bullshit. I gave her the phone like you asked me too. So why the fuck am i in the torture room?!" All the goons were silently watching while two other goons cuffed him to the chair.

The joker felt an immense anger rising in him when he heard the voice of Griggs. He ran up the stairs and silently walked into the room. He walked around Griggs and hummed at him with disgust. "This is bullshit" Griggs whispered, and nobody but the Joker heard it. "Mmmhhm, that's gonna getcha hurt. I warned you. And you tried to rape my sister. So im slowly letting you endure immense pain."

Griggs shivered at the raised voice of the Joker, it held so much power. Griggs never regretted something so much. The Joker took a knife and started to make cuts all over his arms. He then took a gun and shot at all his toes. After he did that he decided to take a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the legs multiple times. Screaming and crying from the pain, Griggs started to plead for forgiveness. He couldn't take it no more. "You ain't gettin' away that easy after almost raping my little Gina."


"Favorite color?" "Purple, black and army green." "Favorite food?" "Spicy food" "Favorite song?" "Mad Hatter/Cake from Melanie Martinez."

Regina sighed after answering the last question. It felt like they  have been walking for ages. And Rick continued to ask random questions. While everyone was engaging in their own conversations, Regina was lost in thoughts again. She opened her hand and started playing with her powers. She projected a fish.

 Rick stared at it in awe while putting his arm on her shoulders

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Rick stared at it in awe while putting his arm on her shoulders. "No more questions?" Regina asked with a cocky grin. "Nope just watching you." Regina blushed at the statement but layed back against Rick. Although she hated to admit it, she loved his loving behaviour. And she knew with normal people, this relationship was going way too fast, but they weren't normal.

Rick saw her thinking deep and cupped her face to get attention. Regina looked straight into his eyes, but slowly her eyes traveled to his lips. They both leant in and connected their lips. And eventough it sounds cliché she didn't get firework or butterfly's. No, she got a whole damn zoo or a minefield. But she absolutely loved the feeling.

She knew, that she was in too deep.

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