C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 7̶

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Everybody gathered around in a circle towards Rick. Rick was holding a tablet to face them. "Behold the voice of god." He said when suddely Amanda's face appeired on the screen. Regina scowled when she saw the bossy woman. She hated Amanda, cause she offended her brother so much.

"For those of you who dont know who i am, i am Amanda Waller." The bossy woman introduced while giving a serious face. "There's an active terrorist event in the City. I want you to enter it, rescue HVT-1, and get them safe." Amanda continiued.

Floyd scoffed and raised his arm. "I'm sorry for those of us who don't speak hero. What is HVT-1?"

"The only person that matters in the mission. The only person you can't kill." Regina answerd Floyd, before Amanda could've even opened her mouth to reply. Amanda Waller nodded, and continued her speech. "If anything happens to soldier Flag or Regina, you all die."
Rick ended the facetime. While everybody just stared at Regina. Regina realizing her mistake, she just revealed to everyone that she's a good girl. But she was also confused at Amanda's words. Was she that important?

"There's your speech." Rick said proud, looking Floyd and Regina right in the eyes. "Compared to yours, she nailed it." Regina said mockingly. Rick gafe her a fake glare and looked back to Floyd. "So that's it? What are we? Some kind of suicide squad?" Rick nodded, bumping into Floyd's shoulder as he passed him. "I like it, well except for the whole dying thingy." Regina said while laughing at the end.

"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You've heard of Phil Jackson?" asked Floyd. "Yeah" "He's like the gold standard, OK? Triangle, bitch! Study." Floyd said while maiking a triangle with his hands. Regina laughed and high-fived floyd, while avoiding Rick's stare.

 Regina laughed and high-fived floyd, while avoiding Rick's stare

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Crying Regina runned into her big brother's room. Father had done it again. After he had murdered his wife he started to take adventage of Regina. He loved to see her suffer, and he deffinetly loved to rape her. She felt dirty, but she couldn't help it. Her father wouldn't stop. At the sight of his broken sister, Jack just snapped. He engulfed her in a hug took some baggy clothes and pushed her towards the shower. When his little sister was in the shower he ran upstairs to his father. "Why do you do this to her? She's your own daughter for fucks sake." Henry couldn't accept the tone his son was speaking to him an threw the bottle of whiskey to him. "She shouldn't be acting innocent. She fits perfectly on my dick, so nothing's wrong. The bitch even screams for me." Jack snapped and picked up the broken bottle, ran to his dad, and stabbed him 69 times. Because that's how long he was abusing Regina, an how many days ago his mom died. When Regina came out of the shower she was still sobbing and shaking. "Don't worry, Gina. From now on i will always be there to protect you." That was the beginning of Regina's social issiues, and her inability to feel. That day, Regina got pushed into insanity. Little did she know that her brother was going to amplify it.


Shaking Regina relived the memory. She couldn't handle all the memories so she locked them away, with emotions also. But sometimes, one memorie wil come back. And Rick Flag was the cause of her emotions coming back. And that was something she couldn't handle. Cause when she had feelings, all the guilt comes back.

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