C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 8̶

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Everyone got seated on the plane, and Regina got seated inbetween Rick and Floyd. She lowered her head on Rick's shoulder when she noticed everybody had their own conversation. She still felt tired from using her powers. Rick softly smiled when he felt her lean on him and layed his own head over her head. "Are you alright Reg?" Regina blushed at the nickname. "Yes, i just never been on a plane before." she whispered. Rick nodded.

All the other prisoners glanced at the two and awed on the inside. But Floyd felt protective and tried to resist the urge to pull her away from him. She deserved love, she really did, but the love wasn't worth it if she goes on a suicide mission. She deserved a better ending, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"So tell me, how's it like to be the Queen of Gotham?" Rick asked with a smirk, trying to take her mind of the flying thing. "Don't call me that. That's not who i am." Regina snapped. Rick took her hand. "I know you're not like that, you're far too innocent. But your brother knew that too and he took advantage of you, you don't have to feel guilty about it." Regina pulled her hand back and stared angry at Rick. "Shut the fuck up about my brother. He never took advantage of me, he loves me!" She yelled while slowly losing control over her powers and creating fire in her hands.

 He never took advantage of me, he loves me!" She yelled while slowly losing control over her powers and creating fire in her hands

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Rick took her shoulders and engulfed her in a hug. Regina didn't hug back but turned the fire out. "I'm sorry" Rick said with a guilty look in his eyes. Regina nodded and hugged him back. Harley felt terrible, she knew the Joker took advantage of his little sister, and didn't do anything to stop it.

She hated him for it, but she also hated the attention that Regina got from the Joker. Regina and Rick broke the hug and sat straight in their seats. Regina and Harley exchanged a quick look, and Harley smirked at the blush on Regina's face. The Joker is so not gonna like their little romance, Rick Flag was screwed.

A japanese girl entered the plane and said something to Rick. And he answered back in japanese before turning back to the group. "So Guys, this is Katana. She's kills anyone who breaks the rules. I'd advise not to get killed by her, cause her sword traps souls." Regina nodded and turned to Katana. "はじめまして. 私の名前は レジャイナ." Katana looked up suprised and flashed her a smile, already liking the girl.

Harley and Rick just stared at the girl with their mouths wide open. They couldn't believe that the young girl knew japanese, cause it's not something they teach at school. Regina looked at them and shrugged. "What? I learned it from my dad." They both nodded and looked away, but Rick couldn't help but notice the look of fear when she said the word 'dad'.

Regina leaned back in her seat and rested her head again on Rick's shoulder. She smiled at him and closed her eyes, falling in a slumber.


"はじめまして. 私の名前は レジャイナ" means "Nice to meet you! My name is Regina."


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