C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 9̶

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When Regina woke up, the whole plain was shaking and everybody was screaming. When she looked out of the window, she realised that they were going to crash.

She felt a buzz in her pocket an picked out the sellphone. 'Im coming, little Gina😄' the joker had sent her. She smiled at the message and wrote a quick reply. 'Fine. Harls is safe. And don't kill the obvious army boy in here, please. He cute.😋' quickly she pocked her phone and started holding onto the armrests. Rick intertwined their hands when he saw how nervous she was.

When they touched the ground, Rick caught Regina, and she landed on top of him. Realising how close their faces were, Rick slightly edges closer. Regina leaned in but didn't kiss him.. Rick roamed his hands over her body, and rested them on her lower back.

Realising their position, Regina quickly stood up and walked out of the plane. Rick ran his hand through his hair and sighed, staring at her dissapeiring figure lovingly.

The rest of the squad jumped out of the plain and took in their surroundings. "Wow what a ride!" Harley said while giggling. Everybody ignored her and continued to follow Rick and the soldiers.

Regina, Floyd and Harley were walking in the back when Floyd suddenly started walking slower. "Let's do it. Let's kill them all and escape." Harley nodde enthousiastly, while Regina avoided Floyd's gaze. "I'm in!" Harley squeled. Floyd laughed and put he arm over her shoulders. "Spread the word, kid." Harley nodded and skipped away too captain Boomerang. Regina suddenly started walking faster, trying to avoid the confrontation. "Gina, don't walk away from me." Slowly she turne around towards Floyd with a glare in her eyes. "What's wrong?" "I'm not going to participate. I came here as a forced villain. So i ain't coming out as one, understood?" Floyd nodded and left her alone.


Regina was walking alone just a little behind the group. She was so consumed in thoughts, that she didn't even notice everyone stopping. She was confused about the situation. She loved her brother, she really did, but she was done being a villain. Everytime she kills someone a part of her soul breaks. And right now her soul is scattered, she needed someone to glue it all together. But then soldier Rick Flag came along, and suddenly picked up her pieces with one look. She just wasn't used to the feeling.

"Alpha, go to the front i will cover the back." She heard someone say in the distance. She saw the group moving on, and walked slowly behind them. Suddenly something gripped her hand. She looked down and saw Rick intertwinning their hands. "What's wrong?" Regina just shook her head to shake off the subject. But Rick didn't give up. "Don't lie to me, just let it out." She stopped walking and burried her face in his chest. She started shaking and crying, while Rick comforted her. "I-i just don't k-know what to d-do. I love my b-brother, but i can't t-take the k-killing anymore. It h-haunts me." The girl spoke between sobs. After a few minutes she quited down. Rick tilted her head and wiped away the tearstains. It broke his hart to see her cry. "Then stop the killing, babe." Regina nodded trying to ignore the weird feeling in her stomach at the petname.

The whole group stood staring at her, just realizing how damaged this little girl really was.

Regina Ignis || Suicide SquadWhere stories live. Discover now