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Ignoring the little breakdown everybody returned to their journey. Suddenly all the soldiers went in a alley and hid behind a car. Confused the group of criminals stopped.

In the background Regina heard Harley, Floyd and Harkness discussing their escape theory. "Now's the perfect time." She heard Harkness say. Ignoring it Regina walked toward the group of soldiers and Rick. With Deadshot following her closely.

Some weird creatures were making movements and mumbling in a weird language. Regina wanted to ask what it was, but before she had the chance the weird creatures started an attack.

She took the sword from her back and started to chop a few heads off. She heard shouting before she saw everybody but El Diablo helping.

{she has only one of the swords}

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{she has only one of the swords}

When she saw Harkness was in trouble she threw her sword as it latched a head to the wall. She pulled two guns from the straps on her legs and started shooting a lot of creatures.

{the guns}

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{the guns}

As every creature was dead she saw that her and Floyd where the only people still shooting. She blew her hair out her face and twisted it while giving the group a proud grin. Floyd chuckled at the girls actions before turning to Rick. "What was that?" He yelled at Rick while inspecting the dead creatures. "I don't know" Rick said lying. "Don't tell me that you don't know shit. This creature is wearing a tree thousand dollar watch." Rick turned his head and left the wuestion unanswered. The whole group was silent, the only sound being heard was the sound of Regina chopping every body in pieces with her sword. She paused as she heard the silence. "What?" She asked innocently and kicked the body. "Look it moved!" Everybody shrugged and moved on.


After Regina and Jack ran they lived together for a couple of years in a werehouse. But after a his teenage years, Jack started to slowly lose his mind. Regina saw her brother turning into the Joker and was too afraid to lose him, so she never said anything about it. One night 'Joker' brought his sister to an old and abandoned chemicals fabric. He took them too a high floor that overlooked the tubs filled with chemicals. He turned to his sister with hurt eyes. "Would you die for me?" Regina looked taken back by this question, she thought it was kinda obvious. "Ofcourse i will" J didn't look happy by the answer and took a step closer. "Let me refraim that, would you- would you live for me?" Regina turned her back to the edge and took a step closer to her brother. "Again, ofcourse i will." He smiled at the answer and looked at her expectandly. She knew what he meant, he wanted her to jump of the edge and become a new person, just like she watched him do a month ago. She nodded towards her brother and jumped off the edge straight into a pool of acid. The Joker wanted to walk away, but was conflicted by his own emotions. He loved his sister and couldn't just let her die, so he stripped from his jacket and jumped into the pool after his sister. He took her to the surface and pressed a kiss on her forehead. She jolted awake and gaspe loudly. He spinned her around and hugged her while letting out a manical laugh. Regina looked at herself and saw that her hair was bleached but her skin wasn't entirely white. It was whiter, but it still holded life. She knew that this was going to change everything.

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