C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 6̶

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The guards braught a bag to the group of prisoners. "What do we have here? Ten pounds of shit." A man jumped out of the bag and attacked a few guards before Rick caught hik and pulled him back. "What's happening? I was playing checkers with my nana and suddenly i'm here." Rick scoffed. "No you were robbing a bank and got caught by the Flash. So, welkom captain Boomerang."

Then a van arives and a man jumps out, escorted by a man and a woman. "Here comes slipknot, the man that can climb anything." The woman said sonething to the prisoner and the prisoner broke free and punched her. "What, she had a mouth?" Somebody started to giggle really loud. I looked around and saw Harley Quinn standing there. As soon as we made eyecontact we ran to each other and hugged while crying. "Don't worry Harls, he's coming." Harley nodded, let go and wiped her tears. I faced forward towards Rick and waited for him to speak.

"Huh? What was that? I should kill everyone and escape with Regina?"Harley said randomly. Some guards started to stare at Harley as if she was insane, which she was so... She brought her finger to the side of her head as if she was thinking. "Sorry, it's the voices." The guards looked at her with shocked faces."I'm kidding, that's not what they really said." Everyone turned back away from her, shaking their heads. While Regina winks at Harley for the little show.

"Listen up!" Rick said, suddenly gaining all the attention

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"Listen up!" Rick said, suddenly gaining all the attention. "That thing you got in your necks from that injection. That's a nanite explosive. It's teh size of arice grain, but as powerfull as a grenade." Regina carefully touched the spot on her neck in fear. She was going to die.

"This is the deal. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You irritate or vex me... and guess what? You die." He looked at some of the prisoners while saying this and avoided eye contact with Regina.

"I'm known for being quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you." Harley said while raising her hand. "Lady, shut up" Rick shouted irritated. Harley pouted, while Regina flinched from the shouting. Rick saw this and emidiatly calmed down."This is the deal. You're going somewhere very bad to do something that will get you killed. Until that happens, i'm stuck with you."

"Was that you're peptalk?" Regina asked him unimpressed. "Yeah that's my peptalk. There's your shit. We're leaving in ten minutes, so grab what you need for a fight." He said while poiting to a couple of crates on a row.

Regina opened her crate and squeled at the sight of her clothes. She immediatly picks up her white bodysuit. And starts to undress herself. When she's standing in her bra, she notices every male guard staring at her. She quickly puts on her suit and takes her weapons. When she turned around everybody started to act like they didn't just stare. She turns to Rick and sees that he's still staring at her. She locks eyes with him and winks before walking over to him and Floyd.

 She locks eyes with him and winks before walking over to him and Floyd

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{Her outfit ^^}

She checked her gun before running through the plan in her head. She was going to complete this shit, surviving. The she would escape with the help of her brother, but she would stop being a villain. And start working like a hero.

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