C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 1̶4̶

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"Savior one-zero this is base."

Regina made eye contact with Harley and nodded towards her. "Savior one-zero, please copy. Savior one-zero. LZ is clear." The soldier put his radio down and turned towards Amanda. "Boss they're not talking to me."

"Everybody get down." Rick shouted as the helicopter lowered. He jumped towards Regina and covered her. Suddenly the helicopter started to fire around the roof. Harley was just beside us.

Reginas felt the phone in her pocket vibrating and checked the message. "Look i got a new helicopter! You like?" It was from the Joker. Regina jumped up and pulled Harley with her. She sprinted to the edge and jump on the rope, Harley following closely behind. Regina quickly climbed to the top and enter the helicopter. Regina is greeted by her brother and embraced in a tight hug.

The helicopter starts swayin, and Harleys stops climbing in the middle of the rope. "Deadshot shoot that girl!" Amanda yelled. "She didn't do anything to me."

Amanda nodded and held her tablet up with a live camera of Zoe, his daughter. "Kill the girl or we'll kill your daughter." Deadshot tooo his gun and filled it with bullets. "Now she dead." He said while firing the bullet.

Everybody looked in shock as Harley slumped and lowered a little from the rope. But after a second dhe excitedly jumps up and waves her hand while the helicopter flies away. Deadshot missed. She makes her way to the top and makes out with the Joker.


Suddenly the plane started leaning backwards. Regina and Harley tried to grab a handle but they missed. Falling out of the helicopter while watching the Joker wave at them.

Regina did a backflip in the air and rolled on top of a car. Quickly searching for Harley, she found her on the car beside her. In the distance she saw the helicopter crash down and explode.

Regina screamed out of sorrow. The Joker just died, her brother. The onpy family she had left, and only person she loved. The person who taught her to live life because it soon will go away, just died in a matter of seconds.

She felt the tears flowing over her face dripping on her hands. She heard the group coming but didn't process it. She saw Harley acting like everything was okay, but she couldn't do that. She was numb.

Rick made his way to the car and lifted Regina from it. He held her bridal style and carefully sat her on the ground. He wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to cry in his arms. He hated Amanda for causing the pain for this beautifull girl. He rubbed her back and softly placed kisses on her forehead, calming her down a little.

 He rubbed her back and softly placed kisses on her forehead, calming her down a little

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She wiped her cheecks and stood up. She straighted her posture and put on a fake smile. "I missed you guys so much. I didn't want to leave you guys and bail on all the fun." Rick smiled softly and took her back in his arms.

"So what are we going to do?" She said while hugging Rick back. Floyd smiled at her and got warm inside. He hated to see her cry, but he thought that Rick mayby will be good enough for Regina. She needed love, even if it was the last thing she got before she died, she deserved it.

"We're going to find Amanda."

Regina Ignis || Suicide SquadWhere stories live. Discover now