C̶h̶a̶p̶t̶e̶r̶ 4̶

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After hugging each other for a while, the two prisoners turned to Amanda Waller and soldier Rick Flag. Rick couldn't help but stare at Regina's face. He thought she was beautiful. Amanda noticed the interaction but chose not to comment on it.

"So, what is this? Some kind of Cheerleader trials?" Regina giggled and high-fived Floyd.

She looked around and saw guard Griggs standing between the crowd of guards with a smug look. Within a second she had Griggs gasping for air against the wall. He tried to pry her fingers off his neck, but she wouldn't budge. All the officers were doubting to do something, seeing as just minutes before they endured this with Deadshot. Floyd and Rick Flag both started laughing at the repeating scene. "What did he do to you?" Rick Flag asked interested. He wondered what the guard had done to this one.

"He tried to rape me. Multiple times. Even came close once, if it weren't for Floyd." Rick Flag suddenly had this burning rage in his eyes. Looking at the probably 30+-year-old, he got disgusted. "You tried to rape a 19-year-old girl? That's sick, you're a pedophile!" Amanda Waller stood by watching as Rick Flag loses his control, something that never happens. Regina let go of Griggs and looked at the two tables before her. One table was filled with guns, but she could see that half of it was used. Also, half of the dummies were filled with holes, because Deadshot had already shown them his skills. On the second table, there were two bowls, one filled with water and the other with earth. She lifted her hands over both bowls and could feel the energy streaming towards them.

"I can't use my powers because you people gave me those pills." Regina said as she turned back to Amanda.

"Yes, because giving you control over your mind back is something we would never do."

Uncertain she lifted one hand and opend it while whispering. "Ignis" suddenly a flame appeared in the palm of her hand.

 "Ignis" suddenly a flame appeared in the palm of her hand

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She smiled and put the flame away. She then held both her arms towards the sky and started to wave them around while whispering "aer". There formed a little tornado in the air. After that, she took the bowl with earth, threw it on the floor, and whispered "Terra". And at last, she let her fingertips touch the water in the bowl. As she whispered "Aqua". Her arm started healing itself from all the scars she got due to Griggs.

 Her arm started healing itself from all the scars she got due to Griggs

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As she was finished she grabbed the table to steady herself. The pills were still in her system, so due to all the strength, she had to use she was exhausted.

Rick Flag stepped forward and caught the girl when she lost her grip on the table. He held her bridal style and turned to Amanda Waller. "You drained her, why?" Amanda looked at Rick with a raised brow.

"You don't have to know that. Now take the girl back."

Rick nodded and carried Regina back to her cell. She fell asleep in his arms. Suddenly she started shaking and yelling in her sleep, she had a nightmare. Rick lay her down on her bed and shook her awake.

She opened her eyes and engulfed Rick in a hug. Hesitant he hugged back, feeling the girl was still shaking. "Thanks" Regina said while drifting back to sleep. He didn't know why she said it but stared at her sleeping form. He couldn't believe that such a beautiful and vulnerable girl could be a villain.



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