An Interesting Start

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Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own anything Odd Squad related including the many quotes I use throughout this story. Also, this is from Otis's point of view during First Day. I plan to put a bunch of short stories each from Otis's or Olympia's POV in this collection eventually. This is just a start. I mean everyone's got to start somewhere. Ok, enough chit chat. Enjoy! 

I hated to admit it but I was nervous. And if there was one thing I didn't like, it was being nervous. I glanced sideways out the clear glass tube and watched as the giant network of underground tunnels zoom past me, hazed in red from my pod. No matter how many times I rode in the tubes they never ceased to amaze me. Zooming somewhere behind me was my new partner. What had Miss O said her name was again? Oh, yeah, Olympia. I had no idea what to make of her..yet anyways.

I saw the tube ending and prepared myself to exit. In a flash of blue light I stepped out onto a concrete sidewalk and was followed instantly by another blue flash of light and the appearance of my partner.

She was about the same height as me with flaming auburn hair which was drawn up in a ponytail. Her glasses were a bright red and she was smiling broadly. I got the impression that she did that a lot. She spoke in a fast, cheery voice, "Hey, we didn't really get a chance to talk back there. So I'm Olympia; speed stats: 11 years old, first pet, guinea pig, favorite color, all of them—

I had to cut her short however (not that I heard much of what she said in the first place. Is it natural for a human to talk so fast?), as I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the ground besides me yelling "Duck!"

The atrocious thing wattled past us on it's webbed feet quacking. I shuddered, trying to regain my composure. This day was not going well. First nervousness and now freaking out over a duck. Olympia probably thought I was crazy or something.

I was wrong. Instead of finding anything strange about the fact that I was scared of ducks, she seemed completely unflustered by it.

"This is great! We're learning about each other. Secret handshake."

I held out my hand not completely sure what she was going to do. She slapped it a few times in an attempted handshake. This was ridiculous, "We just met. How can we have a secret handshake?"

She smiled at me, "I thought we'd just sort of, kind a, find it."

I nodded skeptically. Of course she would think that. I got the impression that Olympia was the kind of person who was extremely outgoing, always had high spirits, and smiled about everything. Practically everything I did not do. I began to doubt Miss O's choice of partners. I was shaken from my thoughts as Olympia started talking again.

"So do you have any other fears? How about special talents?"

This was way too personal. I liked to keep things like that to myself. Besides we had a case to solve and all we had done so far was stand here talking. Well she had done most of the talking. Wanting to avoid answering her question I mumbled a reply, "None worth mentioning. Come on.."

I walked off toward the office building without so much as a backward glance. I heard a frustrated sigh behind me. So she did have other moods besides joyful. But it didn't last long as she skipped up beside me, that wide smile still present on her face. There was no doubt about it, this was going to be an interesting first case.

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now