The Perfect Partner

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Otis's POV

This day was not going as planned.

I had been rushing around all day getting gifts for Olympia on account of all the different anniversaries we were celebrating. It seemed impossible that so many things could be celebrated in one day. I was terrible at knowing what to get people for these kind of occasions.

After all, I had never received anything worth mentioning myself.

With the help of Miss O and Oona I had been able to get Olympia two out of the three required presents. But now I was running out ideas and time.

"Hey Otis."

No. She couldn't be here already. Not when I didn't have her third present.

Her face lit up when she noticed the first package on her desk. I have to admit, I did do a pretty good job on picking out the box. It was a nice, plain brown. My favorite color.

"You remembered our anniversaries! Can I open it now?" She didn't wait for a reply but simply ripped open the box.

I had to explain to her why there wasn't a third present before she got too carried away.

"Yeah, see, the thing is, um..."

One of the hardest feats in the world, however, is trying to tell Olympia something while she's excited.

"An autographed picture of Mr. Lighting? It completes my collection!" She smiled broadly and reached for the next box.

"Yeah, but there's something else I need to tell you—

"Whoa." She looked at me in amazement. "An original Odd Squad agent's badge? You are the best!"

"You say that now, but later..."

She wouldn't be so happy in a few moments nor would she be very forgiving. Olympia's obsession with following Odd Squad traditions or anything in the Agent's Manuel, was unequaled.

"Where's the third present? Did you hide it? This is fun."

"See, the thing is—

In desperation I pulled out my un-opened Agent's Manuel with the intention of explaining how I hadn't had enough time to get a third present because I hadn't known about these traditions until this morning, but she interrupted me.

"A mint condition, Agent's Manuel, still in it's shrink wrap?" Her face was full of awe as she took the book from my hands.

"Yeah?" What had I done now?

"This is the best Happy Halfiversary, 31st-iversary, Friday Felabration EVER!" The look of pure joy and excitement on her face as she clutched the book to her chest, was enough to tell me I hadn't messed up.

"Ah, it was nothing.'"

"You're turn." She looked at me beaming.

I ripped open each of my three presents quickly. Having never received presents before I was unsure of what I would find.

The gifts were perfect, "Socks, a rock, and a T-shirt with..." I couldn't continue. I usually wasn't one to be overcome with emotion. This was a rare exception.

Olympia looked shocked, "Are you crying?"

"You know me so well."

It was amazing. She had known exactly what to get me. The socks were even the right shade of brown.

"I'm putting this on right now." I put the #1 T-shirt on over my suit. Miss O wouldn't mind.

"Quite squirming. We still got the socks to do."

"Ohlm?" Why in the world was he here? Did he have to interrupt everything? Even something as important as this?

He nodded at me, looking serious, "It looks good man."

Olympia's POV 

After Ohlm left, or disappeared into thin air, I should say, I began rearranging my gifts on my desk. Otis had known exactly what to get me. I have to admit I was more then a little surprised. I was doubtful that he would even remember to get me anything at all.

I had just placed the mint condition Agent's Manuel in it's place of honor next to my other copy from the Academy, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Otis standing next to me.

"I just wanted to say, thanks again, for everything."

His voice was full of emotion. This was not like him at all. But then again, I had just witnessed Otis crying. Anything was possible.

"It's no big deal." I smiled and adjusted my glasses.

"But it is. No one's ever given me anything like a present before. It means a lot to me." Otis was completely serious.

"What? No one's ever given you a present before? But what about Christmas, or your birthday?"

This was mind-blowing. Why hadn't he mentioned this before? But then again, it was Otis. He never mentions much of anything when it comes to himself. And this was no exception.

"Its just...I never...I couldn't..." He struggled to explain without really explaining anything.

"It's ok. You don't have to tell me."

I had begun to except the fact that Otis wasn't comfortable when it came to talking about his personal life.

He looked relieved, "Thanks."

As he stood there in front of me with his face full of gratitude, wearing the T-shirt I had made and clutching the rock in his hand, I felt a sudden surge of affection towards him. Throwing caution to the winds and ignoring the fact that we were in plain sight of everyone, I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

After a moment of shock and surprise I felt Otis return the hug. I couldn't help noticing that he smelled of melted chocolate and wet grass. An interesting combination, but not unpleasant. The huge ended, far to quickly in my opinion, and Otis smiled his thanks.

"Otis, Olympia, in my office. Now!" the voice of Miss O shocked us into action. As we hurried up the stairs to Miss O's office I couldn't stop smiling.

No matter how serious, or indecisive, or strangely sacred of ducks he was, Otis was the best partner anyone could ask for. Yes, we had our share of disagreements and yes we had different ways of working, but we had solved difficult cases in the past and we would continue to solve difficult cases in the future. As long as we were together, what could go wrong.

He was, after all, the perfect partner.

"We found our secret handshake!"

"That was an accident."

"No no no, that was sign we're perfect partners. Admit it! Do it!"

–Olympia, "First Day"

Once again, thanks so much to everyone who has read, commented, and voted on my story! For the moment, I plan to bring this story to an end. When new Odd Squad episodes for Season 2 come out I may consider either expanding on this story or starting a new one on a different file. We'll just have to see what happens. But, for now I am going to focus on school, school, school. The ever dreaded crusher of joy and consumer of time. I hope you all have a great school year! Thanks! 

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now