Tagged by @BasilGrey!

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I didn't know where to put this and I didn't want to create a new story just for this one thing, so I'm sticking it here. Read on if you dare to know a bit more about me.

Favorite thing to write? Fanfiction! To be honest, I love having the work half done for me, as bad as that sounds. All the characters and world are already created and I get to take them out to rearrange and play with them! However, when I do get original ideas I like writing Fantasy/Adventure and Romance.

Worst thing to write? I wouldn't say it's the worst to write, I'm just not particularly skilled in the Mystery genre. When I was younger, I read so many Nancy Drew books that I developed this strange dislike for mystery.

Best book you've ever written? On Wattpad: "The Perfect Partner" seems to be doing pretty well so I've been told. Although, it's more a collection of stories and less of an entire book. Off of Wattpad: I wrote this short Lord of the Rings related book for a friend. Not to brag, but I'm pretty proud of it.

Inspiration? Music. I listen to music 24/7. If I'm not listening to it, I'm singing, or playing it on the piano. Also, reading other people's work always inspires me to be better and improve my own writing. @BasilGrey, @JonathanEllison, and @lilwoodb are some of the authors on Wattpad who really inspire me.

How long have you been writing? For about two and half years. I started to write when I was 15 but before that the concept that I could create stories was never something that entered my mind. The power of words is amazing ya'll!

Future career in writing? Maybe so, never know. In a perfect world, I would be a published author for several Young Adult novels. This world is far from perfect. However, even if I never have an actual career in writing I hope to keep filling my laptop with random stories for as long as I live.

Favorite Wattpad book that isn't yours? Um..."Odd Squad-Civil War" is kind of a given. It's so wonderfully written. Otherwise, I don't know. I just love reading bits and pieces from everyone's stories. They're all wonderful in their own way.

What got you into Wattpad?   @JonathanEllison's story "Odd Squad-Civil War" really got me into Wattpad. I started reading his book but the site wouldn't let me continue without making an account. So I did the only logical thing and made an account. It took a while before I ever posted anything myself.

First book you ever wrote? On Wattpad: "The Perfect Partner"...if it counts as a book. Off Wattpad: "No Distance Too Far" (that Lord of the Rings story I mentioned earlier).

A line you overuse? That's a hard one... some words I overuse are "suddenly" or "really/very" and I've been using the word "however" a lot for some strange reason.

Favorite Character Names? Sage, Rudy, Tessa, Eric, Dunimas, Thusia, Freda, Hugo...ah, beautiful names. 

Ever wrote smut? Go look at @BasilGrey's answer to this question. Now imagine me copying and pasting that answer here a thousand times:

No, the answering I'm trying to get across is NO.

Gay ships? Another NO from me. There are some guy/guy or girl/girl friendships that I really like. But NOT in a romantic way at all. It's just not the way I roll.

OTP? Otis and Olympia (Odd Squad), Rudy and Liesel (the Book Thief), Ron and Hermione (Harry Potter), Faramir and Eowyn (LOTR), Legolas and Tariuel (the Hobbit *movie*), Han and Leia (Star Wars), Firestar and Sandstorm (Warriors), Reynie and Kate (MBS), Newt and Tina (Fantastic Beasts), Coffee and Chocolate (Yes, I just made that up. But it should totally be a thing, right?). That's about it for ships, new ones are always coming and going. 

Do you write from experience? Sometimes. Mostly I don't. If I did my stories would be pretty boring. My life's pretty boring..so there you are!

Foreshadowing? I LOVE foreshadowing! It's an amazing literary tool. I've used it in some of my stories, not in any of the ones on Wattpad though. "When in doubt, bring in a shadow 'fore things get too bright!"–SaraS. (I know, it makes no sense, but that's my brain for you.) 

Imagination or Fanfiction? Both! You can't really have one without the other in my opinion.  

Ever want to enter the Wattys? Totally! As soon as I write something worth entering and have enough time to write said entry *frantically checks full calendar* then, yeah, I'd love to enter.

Most read book? Is this asking for a book I've read the most or the book that I own with the most reads on it? I'm just confusing myself..."The Perfect Partner" has a whopping 10k reads as of this morning which I am completely blown away by! I would have been happy with 1k, and 10k is just madness! Thanks to all the readers out there! Really appreciate it!

IRL friends or internet friends? I'm more of a visual person and I love talking to people face to face, so IRL friends are the best. However, I'm also an extremely shy person so hiding behind the safe wall created by the internet is a dream come true sometimes. Social interactions lasting longer than an hour can be quite terrifying.  

There you are. Now you know random things about me that you probably never wanted to know. I therefore tag @Olympia0, @Writing_Warrior05, annndddd, @blveboii12...There's no pressure to do this if you don't want to. Also, if you haven't been tagged, I'm handing out free tags so go ahead, take one, and consider yourself tagged!  

Good luck to all you writers out there! Never stop being awesome! -SaraS   

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now