I Think So

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Once again this is from Otis's POV. Also, all the quotes are (obviously) from the episode Failure to Lunch. Now what are you waiting for? Read! 

It had been officially two weeks since Olympia and I were made partners and despite the fact that she still talked way more then was normal for a human being, I had gotten used to it. She really wasn't all that bad to work with. Yes, she did get distracted sometimes. And yes, it still bothered me when she asked personal questions. She was way too curious. I had never had any use for curiosity and found it slightly strange.

There were good things about Olympia too of course. While I would never admit it out aloud, I liked her over-the-top, positive attitude. It helped me relax and not be so uptight about everything. Also, she had a nice smile. It was a wide, sincere, smile that always reached her eyes. She had soft brown eyes that always lit up when there was work to—

I shook my head.

This was not what I wanted to be thinking about. I had been doing that a lot lately; letting Olympia distract me. She was just Olympia after all. What was there to think about? I shook my head again. I needed to focus.

I stared at my computer screen where I had just finished recording the last case we had solved (it involved a woman who was part horse). It was about lunch time and I decided to get up and see if Olympia was finished working yet. It would look bad if I was eating and relaxing while my partner was still working.

I was not surprised at what I saw. Olympia was surrounded by a whirlwind of activity, handing out files, and typing on her computer like crazy. I had to get her to stop working or I would have to eat at my desk again instead of getting to relax a little in the break room.

Not being horribly good at coming up with things to say I said the first thing that came to my mind. "You never stop working do you."

She turned to me a bit exasperated, "Says the guy who eats his lunch at his desk every single day."

Now I was the one exasperated, "Only because you never stop working."

I didn't want her to be mad at me. It's not like I was angry. Just slightly frustrated. "Don't get me wrong, it's amazing."

"What? I can stop whenever I want." Olympia looked offended, "See? Boom!" She lifted her hands of her keyboard and pushed her chair back slightly.

I sighed and glanced pointedly at her feet, "And your other keyboard."

She lifted her feet off her floor keyboard (I never did understand how she was able to type with her feet) "Fine you don't think I can stop working." She thought for a moment, "Um let's go out for lunch, right now. You, me, and zero work."

Had I heard her right? Go out for lunch? But I couldn't... I had work to do and stuff...yeah..work. But then again it wouldn't be so bad to eat lunch with Olympia, would it? An image of her laughing at something I had just said while we ate a quite lunch together appeared in my mind. I felt myself blushing. Why did I have to blush so easily?

No, I made up mind. I didn't want to go. It would be easier not to go, but I couldn't let Olympia know that, "Olympia, you don't have to do this."

"I think you're afraid to do this." She sat back in her chair in a satisfied sort of way and shifted her glasses.

I was extremely glad she didn't know why I was actually nervous to eat lunch with her. She just thought I didn't want to stop working. Which was partially true. I did love my job. I decided to stick with that reason. Right now it was better then the truth, "Me? Afraid to stop working?"

"Or maybe you're afraid I'm right."

Comeback time Otis. "Or maybe you're afraid that I'm afraid that you're afraid I'm right."

She leaned forward on her desk and pursed her lips, thinking. I knew I had stumped her. Olympia only pursed her lips when she couldn't figure something out. So she avoided answering all together, "Are we still going for lunch?"

I had no choice now. I would have to go out to lunch with Olympia. This was not going to be easy. A nasty picture of her and myself crammed into a small booth with a candle lit meal and ducks as waiters popped into my head (I really need to get my imagination under control). She was still waiting so I answered her the only way I could, "Yeah, I think so."

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now