The Color of Your Eyes

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If you had told me before today that something as innocent as cake could be dangerous, I would have laughed. Well, maybe not out loud, but at least on the inside.

After what had happened today, I would never again view cake as an innocent, safe food, but instead as something to be avoided. It was almost as bad as ducks. Almost.

I had thought, for one wild moment, that Olympia wasn't going to make it. When she had jumped for the helmet, most of her, the cake part anyways, had splattered across the floor and my mind had immediately flown to all the worst possible scenarios. But, in the end, Olympia, along with everyone else, had been returned to normal, and my internal state of panic calmed a bit.

Making sure that Olympia was safe and in one piece seemed to be my top priority lately. Not an easy tasks, let me tell you. But now, as we sat in Miss O's office eating cupcakes with the rest of the un-cake-ified agents, I finally began to relax. We had survived the traumatizing cake virus epidemic and life seemed to be returning to normal. Well, as normal as life at Odd Squad could be I guess.

I was seated on the couch in Miss O's office and in front of me was a table, heavily laden with every kind of cupcake imaginable. After returning from cake form, everyone seemed to have an appetite for cupcakes and so, here we sat with more cupcakes then any number of people would ever be able to devour.

Olympia was on my right eating one of the most extravagant cupcakes I had ever laid eyes on. Besides the brightly colored frosting and sprinkles, the cupcake glowed purple and played jazz music every time you bite into it.

I stared down at my own plain cupcake. Olympia had convinced me to try frosting for the first time and so there was a small smear of white frosting on top.

On my left sat Oona, who was intently eyeing a vanilla cupcake with green frosting. She seemed to be having a staring contest with it.

Oona was usually doing strange things, but I was still concerned, "Oona, what are you doing?"

"Trying to decide if this green frosting has spinach in it or not. What do you think?"

She shoved it front of my face for closer inspection. The green swirled frosting looked perfectly normal to me. "I don't think there's spinach in it."

"That's what I thought but it's always good to have the opinion of a cupcake expert." She nodded in approval.

"Oona I'm not a cupcake expert."

"Neither am I! We have so much in common." She smiled at me and went back to contemplating her cupcake.

I shook my head and took a bite out of my own cupcake. Oona was certainly different, but it wasn't a bad kind of different, it was a comfortable kind of different. She wasn't afraid to be herself and I admired that. She never seemed worried about what other people thought of her, and even if she messed up on a project, she always tried to do her best.

The voice of Olympia interrupted my thoughts, "...Otis figured out that my eyes were brown and I was barely able to get the helmet on and trap the virus before it was too late."

She had just finished telling the story, to Owen and Ocean, of her almost failed, save-the-day attempt. Owen looked over at me and frowned. "How did you know Olympia's eyes were brown?"

"She was standing right in front of me. I could see her eyes." I pointed out the obvious. The truth was, however, that I had known, ever since the first day we met, exactly what beautiful shade of brown Olympia's eyes were. This was something Owen did not need to know, however.

Owen still looked skeptical, "Are you sure you don't have some special talent where you can correctly guess people's eye color?"

"No, I don't." Why couldn't he just drop the subject? "She was standing in front of me, I saw the color of her eyes, that's all."

Owen turned to Olympia, "What about you? Can you correctly guess people's eye color?" Without giving Olympia a chance to answer he continued, "What is Otis's eye color?"

I felt myself blush slightly and I glanced sideways at Olympia, who had just opened her mouth to reply, when someone else spoke instead.

"Otis's eyes are blue. Sort of like the ocean, or the sky, or a pile of blue sapphires from Cambodia."

All eyes turned toward Oona who was carefully turning her cupcake in her hands still contemplating whether or not to eat. When she caught sight of everyone staring at her, she looked a bit confused. "What? Did I say something wrong? His eyes are blue aren't they?"

Olympia looked at Oona strangely and nodded, "Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say. Only I would say his eyes are more the shade of blueberries not so much sapphires."

"You have a point." Oona nodded thoughtfully and sniffed her cupcake, still eyeing it suspiciously.

By this point I was both confused and embarrassed at having people discuss my eye color. Also, the fact that Oona had answered Owen's question before Olympia, bothered me for some reason. It's not that I disliked Oona, in fact she was my second best friend next to Olympia, I just had this nagging feeling that I would have felt better if Olympia had answered first.

By the time I emerged from my thoughts, the conversation had moved to other things and I was left to listen quietly and finish my cupcake in silence. I didn't feel much like talking anyways.

On my right Olympia was intensely discussing with Ocean and Dr. O what it had felt like to be a cake. On my left Oona had finally taken a bite of her cupcake and seemed to be enjoying it; muttering under her breath that she didn't taste any spinach in it.

Oona on my left, Olympia on my right. Olympia on my right, Oona on my left. For the first time since joining Odd Squad the smallest sliver of uncertainty entered my mind. I had no idea which way to go. Left or right?        

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now