Without a Doubt

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Howdy do! Once again this is from Olympia's point of view during the episode "Good Egg Bad Egg." As far as cute Otis and Olympia moments go, this episode, as well as "Halfiversary," is chalk full of them.  It was super fun coming up with a story for this one. Enjoy!  

"Otis and Olympia, get a thermometer." Miss O ordered, looking frustrated.

"Yes ma'am."

I hurriedly followed Otis out of the creature room, leaving Ocean and Miss O to watch over the possibly dangerous egg. My thoughts went back to the argument Otis and I had just had.

I didn't really know why I had blown up at him about being indecisive. I mean, it was sort of true. He just couldn't make up his mind sometimes, and those kind of people frustrated me.

Then he had yelled at me for always having to have the last word, and I had yelled back and before we knew it we were having a full blown argument. Thankfully, Miss O had stopped us before we had gotten too out of control.

I had then apologized to him, and he had apologized to me, and we had gotten into a shouting match over that too. I still couldn't believe I had yelled that he was the best partner in the world. Now Miss O probably thought I liked him.

Which, I have to admit is kind of, sort of, maybe true.

My mind went back, and replayed, in slow motion, the exact words Otis had said to me, '...and I'm lucky to have you as a partner, always looking out for me.'

Is that really what he thought? I know I shouldn't read too deeply into that statement. He could've meant nothing by it and simply said it to be nice. After all, that is what being partners is all about; looking out for each other.

But then, was it possible that it could mean something more? I had to find out.

"So, where would be the best place to find a thermometer?" The voice of Otis punctured my thoughts.

"A thermometer is sort of like a gadget, so maybe Oona has one."

"Good thinking." Otis nodded, and we set off for the lab.

"Howdy do! What can I do you for?" Oona greeted us enthusiastically. The only strange thing was that Oona seemed to be hiding something behind her back. I choose to ignore it. Oona always had strange projects and sciencey stuff going on. Not my field of expertise.

"We were wondering if you had a thermometer. Miss O needs one. It's urgent." Otis got right to the point. He was good at doing that.

"Of course I have a thermometer. How else would I keep this place from exploding?" Oona spoke as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oona, what are you talking about?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh, well, I have to keep it exactly the right temperature in the back room or some of the more sensitive gadgets might blow up; and I could, possibly get in trouble for that. I also have this spare thermometer that I use as a back up." With one hand, she pulled it out of a drawer (all the while keeping the other hand behind her back) and handed it to Otis.

"Thanks." I knew we should leave, Miss O and Ocean were waiting for us, but my curiosity got the better of me. "Um, Oona, what's behind your back?"

"Weeellll, as long as you asked, I might as well show you." Oona drew out a strange looking gadget from behind her back. To be honest, all gadgets looked strange to me.

"I needed two people to test this on anyways."

I hesitated and glanced at Otis. He seemed fidgety. "As long as it's fast."

"It'll only take about.." Oona thought for a moment, "Thirty seconds."

I nodded, and heard a sigh of frustration from Otis. 

"Alright. I need you to face each other and hold hands." Oona ordered.

I felt my face go red. I hated it when that happened. It made my head look like a giant tomato, or a stop sign, or a huge Christmas tree ornament.

I expected Otis to protest, but surprisingly, he turned to face me and, without making eye contact, took my hands in his. I couldn't help noticing his face was bright red as well. It looked like a tomato too, just a cuter one. If it's possible for a tomato to be cute. I wonder if it is?

I also noticed that Otis's hands, like mine, were sweaty. I wish Oona would hurry up. What did this gadget do anyway?

"Alright, now hold still while I blast you." Oona pointed the gadget at us carefully, and pushed the button.

There was a flash of light and I found myself encased in a large, orange sweater only where the holes for my hands should have been, there were none. The sleeves of my sweater simply attached to the sleeves of another identical orange sweater worn by Otis. We were trapped together in one large sweater.

"Well, what do you think?" Oona was smiling widely at us. "I call it my double sweater-inator."

"Oona, please get us out of here." I could tell Otis was trying very hard to stay calm.

As Oona cut us free from the sweater, I struggled to understand how such a gadget could be of any use to anyone. Unless, maybe you were a double headed person. But even then it just seemed unnecessary.

"Sorry Oona, but we really have to get back to Miss O. I'll talk to you about it later."

I smiled at her, and Otis and I rushed from the lab.

As we walked up the stairs towards the creature room I blurted out the question that had been cooped up inside me ever since our argument, "Um, Otis, did you really mean it when you said you where lucky to have me as a partner?"

Otis looked taken aback. I knew he was uncomfortable about answering personal questions. "Well yeah, sure...I mean you're a great partner." He mumbled, looking at the floor.

I wanted him to be more specific, "Like a really great partner, or just an ok partner, or an occasionally good partner, or a sort of fine partner, or..."

"I think you're the perfect partner, ok!" Otis burst out loudly, trying to stop my tirade. "Now can we please stop talking about feelings."

I nodded silently. He thought I was the perfect partner. Me! Wow, talk about having a good day.

As we walked towards the door to the creature room I smiled to myself. Although I didn't say it out loud, I knew he was the perfect partner for me too. There was no doubt about it.

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now