It Takes Talent to Tell Her

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Colored sparks burned around me. The crackling fireworks and applause were deafening. The glowing eyes of the many TV cameras were all pointed in my direction, like the many eyes of some vile monster. This was bad. For someone who hated being in front of large groups of people, nothing could be worse. The fact that hundreds of agents were watching me from who knows where had just registered in my mind.

My breath was coming in quick gasps, whether from the dance moves I had just pulled off or nerves, I couldn't tell. The only thought flashing through my mind was, I have to get away from all these cameras. I allowed my feet to rush me offstage into the safety of the camera-free backstage.

As I started to compose myself I heard the footsteps that I knew were coming. Olympia trotted around the corner and bounced up to me beaming. The excitement of being on stage was still fizzling in her eyes.

"Otis you were amazing! You should really dance more often!"

"I don't like doing it in front of people. It makes me uncomfortable."

"You were just out there with me and you did fine."

"Well, I couldn't just let you stand out there by yourself. I make exceptions sometimes." I muttered.

There was a moment of silence. "Thanks for saving me out there." Olympia took off her headset.

"No problem. Just next time you enter a talent show please have an act ready before you go on stage." I took off my headset as well.

Unbidden my thoughts flashed to an iron vaulted corner of my mind. There was a question hidden there. It was a question I had thought about asking Olympia for a long time. It was one of those thoughts I would take out at night and think about for a long time in the protection of the darkness where no one else could see it. Maybe this was the moment. Should I ask her? What if she said no? Would I just embarrass myself? But then again, it might be worse never knowing.

Was I doing this? I took a breath. Yep, totally doing this.


"Alright Shermans, let's move it! Ms. O wants headquarters back to normal before next year. Get to work!"

Orchid shoved her way between Olympia and me as if we were simply part of the wall; all the while issuing orders.

Talk about ruining the moment. Olympia and I hurried toward the break room, where we were safely out of the way of the working agents and overpowering noise of the stage being dismantled.

"What were you going to tell me?" Olympia turned to me curiously.

Should I try to tell her again? My motivation from before had been partially crushed. I mentally shook myself. You can do this. I took another breath.


"Howdy do!" The friendly voice of Oona rang out. I turned to see her and the ever-calm Ocean approaching us.

Olympia glanced at me with burning curiosity before greeting Oona and Ocean with her signature smile, "Hi guys!"

"Your guys' dance was awesome!" Oona beamed at us.

"Totally gnarly dudes." Ocean high-fived both of us.

"At first I didn't think anything was going to happen, no offense Olympia, but you looked kinda lost up there, and Otis came on and; Bam! Music, awesomeness, dance party!"

"Wicked dance moves, bros. Even my pet dragon was impressed." Ocean added.

"That magic trick you did was pretty cool too, Oona." I congratulated her.

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now