Not So Ridiculous

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Hey Guys! (love Oscar by the way) Another story from Otis's point of view. When you stay up late, things get interesting. That's all I've got to say.

Ok, maybe not. Just one more thing. The only dialogue that's not mine is the very first quote, which is from Mr. O (who, let's just say, is not a favorite charater of mine) at the end of the episode Night Shift. Alright, that's all I've got to say. I promise. Enjoy! 

"If you love something set it free." 

What a horrible saying I thought as I struggled to keep myself awake. Olympia and I had just returned from catching the Skunk Bat...and then not catching it. Of all the foolish decisions in the world, Mr. O, the head of the night shift, had set the Skunk Bat free only moments after we had caught it. Olympia and I were now back at Headquarters, working on catching the Skunk Bat again.

While we had not been given our desks back, we had been given one laptop each and a corner of the break room where we could work uninterrupted. Apparently nobody on night shift used the break room. The rule was you could only go in the break room if you had solved a case and no one on night shift really solved any cases so we could work in peace.

I was searching the radar on my computer for more Skunk Bat sightings. We had no idea where it would strike next or even if it would strike at all. We would just have to stay awake and wait to see what happened.

That was the hard part however; staying awake.

It had been a long day and was turning out to be an even longer night. I checked the time on my computer. It was two in the morning. I yawned and glanced at Olympia to see how she was holding up.

She was asleep.

Her head lay sideways on the table top with her arms resting on either side. A few strands of hair had come loose from her ponytail and lay across her face. They fluttered gently as she exhaled. Her glasses were pressing into her face at a crooked angle. She should have taken them off. I didn't want them to break.

I was suddenly seized by a strange impulse. I stood up and glanced around. I wanted to make sure nobody else was watching. Thankfully, all the night shift agents sat at their desks looking half asleep and completely oblivious to all else going on around them. I just couldn't bare the embarrassment of someone watching me.

Slowly I moved forward until I stood directly next to Olympia. I looked down at her. For some reason she looked smaller when she was asleep. Probably because she wasn't talking or moving around with her usual explosive energy.

Trying to make as little noise as possible, I used one hand to gently ease her glasses off. I folded them carefully and lay them next to her. She continued to sleep. I breathed out; surprised to find that I had been holding my breath.

As she lay there, looking so peaceful, my hand reached out as if it had a mind of its own and lightly brushed the stray hairs out of Olympia's face.

Suddenly she shifted her head and blinked her eyes open sleepily. I drew my hand away from her face as quickly as if I'd been burned. What if she had seen me? I felt the heat crawl up my neck and enter my cheeks. I was so glad it was dark.

"What's going on?" Olympia yawned sleepily. Realization dawned on her face, "Oh, the Skunk Bat, right. Did I fall asleep? Sorry..."

"It's fine." I hated it when my voice cracked.

The gears began turning in Olympia's brain now that she was awake, "Why is everything blurry? Is it because of the blue light?" Then she caught sight of her glasses, "Oh, it's because my glasses aren't on. Wait, how did my glasses come off?"

No. She couldn't find out I took them off. She would jump to conclusions. I didn't want her to think I liked her. Because I didn't. The very idea of it was completely ridiculous. Immensely ridiculous. So totally ridiculous it was ridiculous how ridiculous it was. She couldn't know, "Um, you must have taken them off in your sleep."

"Yeah, that's probably it." She seemed satisfied with that answer. "So, back to work?"

As much as I cared about my job, Olympia needed sleep and so did I. Miss O would understand. The Skunk Bat could wait until tomorrow.

"We should go home. If we don't get some sleep we won't be able to solve many cases tomorrow."

Olympia nodded, agreeing. She stood up to leave but on account of the fact that her feet were tangled in the legs of her chair, she tripped. As she fell I did the only thing that seemed right to do; I caught her.

She landed with her face against my chest, so that the top of her hair just brushed my chin. I'm sure it only lasted a few seconds, but for some reason it seemed like an eternity before she finally regained her footing again.

If I had been blushing before, my face was a full fledge fire by now. I swallowed a few times trying to regain my composure, "Are you ok?" My voice cracked again. Why did it have to do that?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." Olympia smiled and hastily straightened her jacket. I couldn't help noticing that two bright, pink patches had appeared on her cheeks. But maybe I was just too sleep deprived to see straight.

As we walked towards the tube lobby (we had gotten special permission from Mr. O to use the tubes whenever we wanted, without having to take a number) Olympia started speaking, "Those chairs are always out to trip people. I wonder why? I mean, it's not like we did anything to them, right? Well, I guess we do sit on them. That could get uncomfortable, having someone sit on you all the time."

Yep, she was still just Olympia. As I said goodbye to her and was whooshed towards home I realized that the possibility of me liking her didn't seem so ridiculous after all.   

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now